نتایج جستجو برای: قواعد jus cogens

تعداد نتایج: 9170  

Journal: :Lentera Hukum 2023

The non-refoulement principle requires each country to consider refugees and asylum seekers in their of origin if they are subject persecution threaten lives. As a geographically strategic country, Indonesia has been significant crossroad for international often temporary destination. Moreover, the complex situation encouraged reinterpret into various national measures domestic policies, given ...

Graziella Bertocchi Chiara Strozzi

We investigate the evolution of the legal institution of citizenship from a political economy perspective. We first present a median voter model of citizenship laws determination. Next we test the implications of the model on a new dataset on citizenship laws across countries of the world. We show that citizenship laws have responded endogenously to economic and institutional determinants. When...

Jeff McMahan David Crocker Walter Feinberg Agnieszka Jaworska Shelly Kagan Frances Kamm Judith Lichtenberg Steven Lee David Luban Stephen Macedo

The traditional theory of the just war comprises two sets of principles, one governing the resort to war ( jus ad bellum) and the other governing the conduct of war ( jus in bello). The two sets of principles are regarded, in Michael Walzer’s words, as “logically independent. It is perfectly possible for a just war to be fought unjustly and for an unjust war to be fought in strict accordance wi...

Journal: :Bezbednost 2022

The paper analyzes the practice of states and international courts regarding recognition, non - recognition or withdrawal immunity in cases which are accordance with criminal law against state officials, including highlevel officials. This offers an analysis historical role World War II recognizing individual responsibilities law, enabling process prosecuting officers for violating jus cogens n...

دکترین مسئولیت حمایت، که در سال‌های اخیر در گفتمان سازمان ملل متحد و به‌ویژه دبیرکل ملل متحد به‌کرّات بدان اشاره شده، بیش از هر موضوعی به حوضة حقوق توسل به زور یا jus ad bellum ربط دارد؛ که بر مسئولیت و تعهد جهانی برای حمایت از غیر نظامیان با توسل به نیروی نظامی استوار است. توسل به زور در این شرایط باید با رعایت کامل منشور ملل متحد و حقوق بین‌الملل بشردوستانه یا jus in bello همراه و هدف اصلی آن ...

Michael Walzer William Cornwell

Michael Walzer argues that except in cases involving genocide or mass slaughter, humanitarian intervention is unjustifiable because “citizens get the government they deserve, or, at least, the government for which they are ‘fit.’”1 Yet, if people are autonomous and deserve the government that rules over them, then it would seem that they are responsible for the government’s actions, including t...

Journal: :Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta 2021

Most often, the principles of law in specialized literature are understood as “initial principles”, “ideas” and “provisions” law. It seems that such conclusions could only be made from standpoint legal positivism, which restricts essentially “all” to norms labour contained national acts. The article makes a different conclusion: ontologically homogeneous elements synthesized position scientific...

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