نتایج جستجو برای: روش ipcc

تعداد نتایج: 372273  

Journal: :Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 2013

S. S. Leroy J. G. Anderson J. A. Dykema

[1] We survey the IPCC AR4 models’ responses to SRES A1B forcing in order to evaluate a prediction of climate change common to all models and testable using GPS radio occultation data over the coming decades. Of the IPCC AR4 models that submitted runs of the SRES A1B forcing scenario, we select twelve because of the timeliness of their submission. Trends in the global average surface air temper...

Journal: :Physik in Unserer Zeit 2022

Zusammenfassung Der jüngst veröffentlichte 6. Sachstandsbericht des Weltklimarates IPCC konnte einige zentrale Aussagen zum vergangenen und künftigen menschengemachten Klimawandel in bislang nie dagewesener Deutlichkeit tätigen. Es ist eindeutig, dass der Einfluss Menschen die Atmosphäre, Ozeane Landflächen erwärmt hat. Eine globale Erwärmung zwischen 1,5 °C 2 wird im Laufe 21. Jahrhunderts übe...

Ana Pimenta Michael Rode

Background Satisfying the demand for energy supply is a persistent issue in the world today. To meet the requirements of a growing population, this demand will continue to increase in the coming years (IPCC 2007). In the second half of the 20th century, a number of research has pointed to the endangerment of the life on earth due to the effects of the climate change (Socolow et al. 2004; IPCC 2...

Daniele de Rigo José I. Barredo Lorenzo Busetto Giovanni Caudullo Jesus San-Miguel-Ayanz

Forest ecosystems play a key role in the global carbon cycle. Spatially explicit data and assessments of forest biomass and carbon are therefore crucial for designing and implementing effective sustainable forest management options and forest related policies. In this contribution, we present European-wide maps of forest biomass and carbon stock spatially disaggregated at 1km x 1km. The maps or...

Journal: :Journal of animal science 2008
E Kebreab K A Johnson S L Archibeque D Pape T Wirth

Methane production from enteric fermentation in cattle is one of the major sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission in the United States and worldwide. National estimates of methane emissions rely on mathematical models such as the one recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). Models used for prediction of methane emissions from cattle range from empirical to...

Namchul Jo Jongnam Kim Seongwon Seo

The methodology provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines is widely used for estimating enteric methane (CH4) production by cattle. No attempt other than the default values in the IPCC Tier 1 has been made for estimating CH4 emission from Hanwoo, a dominant beef species in Korea raised in a unique feeding system. The objective of this study was to compare model...

Journal: :Revista Espanola De Investigaciones Sociologicas 2021

Climate change poses a major problem for the collective future. Ways of understanding climatic future are many and diverse. This paper examines one these methods, so-called “reformist” approach, reconstructed from conception in IPCC Reports on climate change. After establishing formal practicalcognitive dimensions, institutional foundations used to specify dimensions this way examined.

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