These are (mostly) expository notes for lectures on affine Stanley symmetric functions given at the Fields Institute in 2010. We focus on the algebraic and combinatorial parts of the theory. The notes contain a number of exercises and open problems. Stanley symmetric functions are a family {Fw | w ∈ Sn} of symmetric functions indexed by permutations. They were invented by Stanley [Sta] to enume...
We define nice partitions of the multicomplex associated with a Stanley ideal. As the main result we show that if the monomial ideal I is a CM Stanley ideal, then I is a Stanley ideal as well, where I is the polarization of I .
The set of systems of differential equations that are in normal form with respect to a particular linear part has the structure of a module of equivariants, and is best described by giving a Stanley decomposition of that module. In this paper Groebner basis methods are used to determine a Groebner basis for the ideal of relations and a Stanley decomposition for the ring of invariants that arise...