نتایج جستجو برای: onm

تعداد نتایج: 279  

Yagmur Turgay Lysie Champion Csaba Balazs Michael Held Alberto Toso Daniel W. Gerlich Patrick Meraldi Ulrike Kutay

Correspondence to Ulrike Kutay: [email protected] Y. Turgay’s present address is Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland. D.W. Gerlich’s present address is Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, 1030 Vienna, Austria. P. Meraldi’s present address is Centre Médical Universitaire, Université de Genève, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland. Abbreviations used in th...


A coherent F -module on X is a coherent sheafM on X, together with a Frobenius action onM, that is, a morphism of sheaves of OX-modules FM : M→ F∗(M). In other words, FM is a morphism of sheaves of Fq-vector spaces OX → OX such that FM(am) = aFM(m) for every a ∈ OX(U) and m ∈ M(U), where U is any open subset of X. As above, since FM is Fq-linear, it follows that it induces Fq-linear maps on coh...

Ezabadi Z

Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse(6 months for women over 35). The prevalence of infertility appears to be increasing; many women are postponing childbearing for social, professional, financial, or psychological reasons. The current evidence indicates a 9% prevalence of infertility (of 12 months) with 56% of couples seeking medical care. 80% o...

Christoph Peuser Annegret Habel

This paper continues the work onM,N -adhesive categories and shows some important constructions on these categories. We use these constructions for an alternative, short proof for theM,N -adhesiveness of partially labelled graphs. We further present a new concept of attributed graphs and show that the corresponding category is M,N adhesive. As a consequence, we inherit all nice properties for M...

Misha Verbitsky

Let A ∈ GL(n,C) be a diagonal linear operator, with all eigenvalues satisfying |αi| < 1, and M = (Cn\0)/〈A〉 the corresponding Hopf manifold. We show that any stable holomorphic bundle on M can be lifted to a G̃F equivariant coherent sheaf on C, where G̃F ∼= (C) is a commutative Lie group acting on C and containing A. This is used to show that all stable bundles onM are filtrable, that is, admit a...

Alia Gizatulina Martin Hellwig

THEOREM 1 Let X and Y be nonempty compact metric spaces. Assume that the topology on M(Y) is induced by a metric that is a convex function onM(Y) ×M(Y). Let E(Xi,M(Y)) be the set of continuous functions b from X toM(Y) that satisfy condition (*), i.e., the requirement that, for any x ∈ X and any μ ∈ M(X), φb(μ) = φb(δx) implies μ = δx, where δx is the degenerate measure that assigns all mass to...

Kevin Yang

In this paper, we consider the randommatrix ensemble given by (db, dw)-regular graphs onM black vertices andN white vertices, where db ∈ [N γ , N2/3−γ ] for any γ > 0. We simultaneously prove that the bulk eigenvalue correlation statistics for both normalized adjacency matrices and their corresponding covariance matrices are stable for short times. Combined with an ergodicity analysis of the Dy...

Pablo Suárez-Serrato

We show that a closed nonpositively curved manifold with non-trivial volume flux group has zero minimal volume. It can be seen from the proof that these manifolds admit a finite covering with circle actions whose orbits are homologically essential. LetM be a closed smooth manifold and μ a volume form onM . Denote by Diff the group of μ–preserving diffeomorphisms of M , and by Diff 0 its identit...

Fei Sun Sailing He

A novel method to achieve an overlapping illusion without any negative refraction index material is introduced with the help of the optic-null medium (ONM) designed by an extremely stretching spatial transformation. Unlike the previous methods to achieve such an optical illusion by transformation optics (TO), our method can achieve a power combination and reshape the radiation pattern at the sa...

Misha Verbitsky

Let (M, I,ω,Ω) be a nearly Kähler 6-manifold, that is, an SU(3)-manifold with the (3,0)-form Ω and the Hermitian form ω which satisfies dω = 3λReΩ, d ImΩ = −2λω, for a non-zero real constant λ. We develop an analogue of Kähler relations on M , proving several useful identities for various intrinsic Laplacians onM . WhenM is compact, these identities bring powerful results about cohomology of M ...

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