نتایج جستجو برای: malignant hypertension

تعداد نتایج: 362697  

Journal: :Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 2013

Journal: :Hypertension 2008
Bert-Jan H van den Born Niels V van der Hoeven Evelyn Groot Peter J Lenting Joost C M Meijers Marcel Levi Gert A van Montfrans

The thrombotic microangiopathy observed in malignant hypertension is similar to that of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, which is associated with a deficiency of ADAMTS13, a von Willebrand factor (VWF)-cleaving protease that cleaves large prothrombogenic multimers. We hypothesized that ADAMTS13 is deficient in malignant hypertension and that the severity of thrombotic microangiopathy is ass...

Journal: :Postgraduate medical journal 1980
J H Silas H F Woods A Singer V A Brown

Introduction Successful pregnancy after the development of malignant hypertension has been reported on 2 occasions (Kincaid-Smith, McMichael and Murphy, 1958; Weir and Willocks, 1976). In these patients conception occurred 4 and 3 years respectively after control of the malignant phase. The authors report a successful pregnancy in a patient who developed malignant hypertension while taking an o...


T HE pathogenesis of essential hypertension, which accounts for 95 per cent of hypertensions seen clinically, is still unknown despite extensive research during the past 25 years. These studies, however, have indicated that there are neurogenic, electrolyte, endocrine, and renal changes in pathophysiology that may have pathogenetic significance for essential hypertension. These changes may be i...

Journal: :Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 2002
Sachiko Fukase Masayuki Suzuki Toshikazu Goto Mikio Saito Koichi Yokoyama

症 例 患者:29歳,女 性.主 訴:頭 痛,高 血圧.既 往歴,家 族歴:特 記すべ きことな し.現 病歴: 1995年 よ り尿 蛋白,1998年 よ り高血圧 を指摘 さ れる も放置.こ の ころか ら頭痛発作 を繰 り返 し ていた.2000年 の検診で高血圧,尿 蛋 白,尿 潜 血,貧 血,心 電 図異常 を指摘 され,同 年7月13 日当院を初診.初 診時身体所見:意 識清明,身 長160cm,体 重52kg,体 温36.8°C,血 圧240/140 孤mHg,上 下肢差 ・左右差な し,脈 拍80/分 整, 胸 部にラ音 ・心雑音 を聴取せ ず.腹 部平坦軟, 血管雑音 を聴取 せず.下 腿 に浮腫 な し.胸 水 ・ 腹水 を認めず.神 経学 的異常所 見な し.眼 底に 高血圧性 網膜症(Keith-Wagener III度)を 認め, 悪性高血圧B群 と診断 ...

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