نتایج جستجو برای: genetic algor
تعداد نتایج: 614692 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
The FOPHO (F_oreign Phonet ic ian) speech recogn i t i on p ro jec t concerns the development of a system to produce a reasonably high q u a l i t y phonetic t r a n s c r i p t i o n output from continuous speech i npu t . The system is developed to perform in a way which approximates the act ions of a phonet ic ian t r y i n g to t ranscr ibe a fo re ign tongue, ( i n the case of FOPHO, Aus t...
course(2) fulfils this criterion, course is modif ied by hilly which expects a noun of type noumovable s o l i d . However , course(2) is m a r k e d a b s t r a c t , which does not comply with this restriction. Therefore, a ssuming that run is being used in its second sense leads to a si tuation in which there is no set of senses which comply wi th all the restrictions placed on them; therefo...
Voting protocols guarantee consistency of replicated data in the presence of any scenar io involving non-Byzantine site failures and networ k par titions. While Static Majority Consensus Voting algorithms use static quorums, Dynamic Voting algorithms dynamically adjust quorums to changes in the status of the networ k of sites holding the copies. We propose in this paper two novel dynamic voting...
1 I n t r o d u c t i o n With the success of object-orientation in complex application domains, an interest in reverse engineering of legacy relational databases into object-oriented specifications has been risen. Such a specification can be seen as defining a view of the relational database in terms of an object-oriented data model. The derivation of such a view has received considerable at t...
Č́ıžek, Zamastil, and Skála [J. Math. Phys. 44, 962 – 968 (2003)] introduced in connection with the summation of the divergent perturbation expansion of the hydrogen atom in an external magnetic field a new sequence transformation which uses as input data not only the elements of a sequence {sn} ∞ n=0 of partial sums, but also explicit estimates {ωn} ∞ n=0 for the truncation errors. The explicit...
-Most algor i thms in 3D computer vision rely on the pinhole camera model because of its simplicity, whereas virtually all imaging devices int roduce certain amoun t of nonlinear distort ion, where the radial dis tor t ion is the most severe part. Common approach to radial dis tor t ion is by the means of polynomial approximat ion, which introduces distortion-specific pa ramete rs into the came...
Statist ical es t imat ion of large-scale dynamic sys tems governed by stochastic partial differential equations i s impor tant in a wide range of scientific applications. However, t he realization of computationally e f i c i en t algor i thms f o r statistical es t imat ion of such dynamic syst e m s i s ve ry d i f icu l t . Convent ional linear least squares methods are impractical f o r bo...
Knowledge compilat ion is the process by which an in i t ia l theory w i th respect to which inference is intractable is transformed into one or more "approximate" or equivalent theories w i th respect to which inference can be performed efficiently. Selman and Kautz introduced Horn lowest upper bound (LUB) approximations in [SK91], and generalized them in [KS91; SK95] to a number of target lan...
there are many approaches for solving variety combinatorial optimization problems (np-compelete) that devided to exact solutions and approximate solutions. exact methods can only be used for very small size instances due to their expontional search space. for real-world problems, we have to employ approximate methods such as evolutionary algorithms (eas) that find a near-optimal solution in a r...
in current study, 63 samples of bat populations collected from differ regions were used for evaluating the geographic variations. twenty cranial and dental characters for traditional morphometric and landmarks method on the ventral, dorsal skull and mandible for geometry morphometric studies were used. statistical analyses of traditional morphometric and geometry morphometric data indicated low...
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