نتایج جستجو برای: endomorphism

تعداد نتایج: 1650  

David McKinnon Michael Roth Frank Okoh

In this note, we prove that the endomorphism ring of a Kronecker module attached to a power series α ∈ k[[X]] is minimally generated by three generators, unless its degree d is less than 3. We prove this via the theory of algebraic curves, by proving that none of the affine curves arising from these endomorphism rings are planar for d ≥ 3, but can always be embedded in A3.


In this paper we study endomorphism rings of finite global dimension over not necessarily normal commutative rings. These objects have recently attracted attention as noncommutative (crepant) resolutions (NC(C)Rs) of singularities. Our results yield various necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence. We also introduce and study the global spectrum of a ring R, that is, the set of a...

Jerzy Matczuk

Necessary and sufficient conditions for an Ore extension S = R[x;σ, δ] to be a PI ring are given in the case σ is an injective endomorphism of a semiprime ring R satisfying the ACC on annihilators. Also, for an arbitrary endomorphism τ of R, a characterization of Ore extensions R[x; τ ] which are PI rings is given, provided the coefficient ring R is noetherian.

D. R. Davidson

Certain criteria are demonstrated for a spatial derivation of a von Neumann algebra to generate a one-parameter semigroup of endomorphisms of that algebra. These are then used to establish a converse to recent results of Borchers and of Wiesbrock on certain one-parameter semigroups of endomorphisms of von Neumann algebras (specifically, Type III1 factors) that appear as lightlike translations i...

Journal: :Int. J. Math. Mathematical Sciences 2008
Mohand Amokrane Yazi

We associate a covering relation to the usual order relation defined in the set of all idempotent endomorphisms projections of a finite-dimensional vector space. A characterization is given of it. This characterization makes this order an order verifying the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition. We give also a property for certain finite families of this order. More precisely, the family of parts in...

Heer Zhao Takeshi Saito

We study (weak) log abelian varieties with constant degeneration in the log flat topology. If the base is a log point, we further study the endomorphism algebras of log abelian varieties. In particular, we prove the dual short exact sequence for isogenies, Poincaré complete reducibility theorem for log abelian varieties, and the semisimplicity of the endomorphism algebras of log abelian varieti...

Journal: :J. Symb. Comput. 2001
Edward L. Green Lenwood S. Heath Craig A. Struble

Abstract We present a new deterministic algorithm for constructing homomorphism spaces and endomorphism rings of finite dimensional modules. The modules are given via vertex projective presentations over path algebras and finite dimensional quotients of path algebras. We use the theory of right Gröbner bases to encode modules and to construct appropriate systems of equations for computing homom...

Journal: :journal of linear and topological algebra (jlta) 0
m sha ee-mousavi islamic azad university, south tehran branch

let r be a ring,  be an endomorphism of r and mr be a -rigid module. amodule mr is called quasi-baer if the right annihilator of a principal submodule of r isgenerated by an idempotent. it is shown that an r-module mr is a quasi-baer module if andonly if m[[x]] is a quasi-baer module over the skew power series ring r[[x; ]].

Journal: :Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1998
Dwight Duffus Tomasz Luczak Vojtech Rödl Andrzej Rucinski

Let P be a partially ordered set. A function φ : P → P is an endomorphism of P if for every two elements x, y of P , the inequality φ(x) 6 φ(y) holds whenever x 6 y. Obviously, the identity mapping is a (trivial ) endomorphism. Here, however, we will be interested in endomorphisms with an image of size less than |P |, i.e. endomorphisms which are not automorphisms of P . We will refer to them a...

Alexander S. Karpenko

In this paper von Wright’s truth-logic T′′ is considered. It seems that it is a De Morgan four-valued logic DM4 (or Belnap’s four-valued logic) with endomorphism e2. In connection with this many other issues are discussed: twin truth operators, a truth-logic with endomorphism g (or logic Tr), the lattice of extensions of DM4, modal logic V2, Craig interpolation property, von Wright–Segerberg’s ...

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