نتایج جستجو برای: empirical correlation

تعداد نتایج: 586852  

M. Khoshnevisan H. P. Singh

This paper proposes a class of estimators for population correlation coefficient when information about the population mean and population variance of one of the variables is not avaliable but information about these parameters of another variable (auxiliary) is avaliable, in two phase sampling and analyzes its properties. Optimum estimator in the class is identified with its variance formula. ...

Mónica Caniupán Marileo

Data warehouses (DWs) can become inconsistent when some dimensional constraints are not satisfied by the dimension instances. In this paper, we present preliminary results about the effects of the violation of partitioning constraints in homogeneous dimension instances over aggregation queries, and in particular over the summarizability property (SUMM) of the DWs. We are interested in finding w...

Christian Brownlees Emilien Joly Gábor Lugosi

The purpose of this paper is to discuss empirical risk minimization when the losses are not necessarily bounded and may have a distribution with heavy tails. In such situations usual empirical averages may fail to provide reliable estimates and empirical risk minimization may provide large excess risk. However, some robust mean estimators proposed in the literature may be used to replace empiri...

Guillaume Lecué Shahar Mendelson

In this note we study lower bounds on the empirical minimization algorithm. To explain the basic set up of this algorithm, let (Ω, μ) be a probability space and set X to be a random variable taking values in Ω, distributed according to μ. We are interested in the function learning (noiseless) problem, in which one observes n independent random variables X1, . . . , Xn distributed according to μ...

Michael Prieler

This paper deals with the representation of the family in Japanese TV commercials. Based on empirical research conducted in 2004 and 2005, it argues that Japanese commercials tend to depict the family and its members in highly stereotypical ways. Mothers are almost always shown doing some kind of housework, at times supported by their daughters, preparing for their future role as a mother and w...

Yong-Woon Kim Namin Cho Hye-Jung Jang

Objectives Information technology involves a risk of privacy violation in providing easy access to confidential information,such as personal information and medical information through the Internet. In this study, we investigated medical information security to gain a better understanding of trends in research related to medical information security. Methods We researched papers published on ...

Mónica Caniupán

Data warehouses (DWs) can become inconsistent when some dimensional constraints are not satisfied by the dimension instances. In this paper, we present preliminary results about the effects of the violation of partitioning constraints in homogeneous dimension instances over aggregation queries, and in particular over the summarizability property (SUMM) of the DWs. We are interested in finding w...

Gábor Lugosi Shahar Mendelson

We consider the classical statistical learning/regression problem, when the value of a real random variable Y is to be predicted based on the observation of another random variableX . Given a class of functions F and a sample of independent copies of (X,Y ), one needs to choose a function f̂ from F such that f̂(X) approximates Y as well as possible, in the mean-squared sense. We introduce a new p...

B. D. Hamlington R. R. Leben R. S. Nerem W. Han K.-Y. Kim


Let F be a class of measurable functions f :S 7→ [0,1] defined on a probability space (S,A, P ). Given a sample (X1, . . . ,Xn) of i.i.d. random variables taking values in S with common distribution P , let Pn denote the empirical measure based on (X1, . . . ,Xn). We study an empirical risk minimization problem Pnf →min, f ∈ F . Given a solution f̂n of this problem, the goal is to obtain very ge...

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