نتایج جستجو برای: dīn ṭūsī

تعداد نتایج: 238  

Journal: :Kader 2022

Bu makale müteahhirîn dönem Eş‘arî kelâm âlimlerinden Fahreddîn er-Râzî’nin ilâhî sıfatların ontik değeri hususunda Mu‘tezilî eğilim gösterdiğini ve onu bu hususta haleflerinin de takip ettiğini göstermeye çalışmaktadır. Kelâm ilminin en hararetli tartışma sahasına sahip olan sıfatlar problemi itikadî mezhepler bazında dönemsel olarak farklı şekillerde yorumlanmıştır. Ebû Hâşim el-Cübbâî öncesi...

Journal: :Religious Studies 2021

Abstract This article aims to draw on the ‘Qur'anic Rationalism’ of Taqī al-Dīn Ibn Taymiyya (1263–1328) in elucidating an Islamic epistemology theistic natural signs, lens contemporary philosophy religion. In articulating what coins ‘God's method proof through signs ( istidlāluhu taʿālā bi'l-āyāt )’, it seeks aid particular from work C. Stephen Evans and other philosophers religion, attempt un...

Journal: :Religio Education 2021

This article examines the requirements for quality learning, that is based exclusively on nadzom “alālā” wrote by Burhān al-Dīn al-Nu’mān ibn Ibrōhīm al-Zarnūjī in his treatise entitled “Ta’līm al-Muta’allim Ṭorīq al-Ta’allum”. The quantitative research descriptive studies category used this and results are described content analysis technique. It reveals learning has six things dependency: ing...

Journal: :De medio aevo 2023

La noción de los días la creación, que culminan en el sagrado séptimo día, o Sabbath, se encuentra las tres religiones abrahámicas. Mientras algunos creyentes aferraban a una comprensión literal estos días, otros insistían doctrina tenía profunda importancia esotérica. En tradición islámica, defendían papel del intelecto fe y escrituras abogaban por uso interpretación simbólica (taʾwīl). palabr...

Journal: : 2023

This article continues a series of publications the commented translation into Russian interpretation to Surah “al-Fatiha” (No. 1) by founder classical Muslim exegesis Muḥammad ibn Jarīr aṭ-Ṭabari (839–923) from book Jāmi‘ al-bayān fī ta’wīl al-Qur’ān (The Comprehensive Exposition Qur’ān). part contains sections devoted 1–3 ayats this surah. Based on examples pre-Islamic literature and traditio...

Journal: :Arabica 2022

Abstract Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) wrote his tome Bayān talbīs al-ǧahmiyya to refute Ašʿarī kalām theologian Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s 606/1210) argument in Taʾsīs al-taqdīs that God is not corporeal, located, or spatially extended. the largest known refutation of incorporealism Islamic tradition, and was apparently most sophisticated work its kind circulating Taymiyya’s Mamlūk scholarly milieu. d...

Journal: :Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 2022

There has been a long debate about the origins of science fiction literature in Egypt. Scholars who was first writer to include motifs genre, made references it and sought inspiration it. It is commonly assumed that beginnings Egypt date back late forties or early fifties last century, Taufīq al-Ḥakīm Yūsuf ‘Izz ad-Dīn ‘Īsàare mentioned as pioneers genre. But were they definitely writers allude...

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