نتایج جستجو برای: creatio ex nihilo

تعداد نتایج: 60213  

Journal: :Medievalista online 2023

The aim of this paper is to propose a state knowledge on the castral architecture and protection religious establishments founded by Hospitallers St. John Jerusalem in southwestern France from twelfth end fifteenth century. archaeological traces fortification implemented foundation houses thirteenth centuries are rare. Only written sources provide few clues as presence within commanderies, with...

Journal: :Populis: jurnal ilmu sosiohumaniora 2022

<p>Penelitian ini menelaah <em>Subjek Radikal </em>pada<em> Novel Napas Mayat </em>karya<em> Bagus Dwi </em><em>H</em><em>ananto</em> yang membahas subjek, berupaya hadir dan lepas dari rantai simbolik dengan cara menjadi radikal. Tindakan radikal dilakukan bukan tanpa rencana, kesengajaan atau tujuan, melainkan juga adanya sebua...

Journal: :Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 2021

This article compares the Keynesian, neoclassical and Austrian expla-nations for low interest rates sluggish growth. From a Keynesian perspective, are attributed to aging societies, which save more future (global savings glut). Low growth is linked slowing population declining marginal efficiency of investment as well fixed capital due digitalization (secular stagnation). In contrast, from pers...

Journal: :AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance 2022

The aim of the study is to explore limits SDGs in light a zakat approach terms resilience. It based on progress research philosophy science, anthropology, mesology, and collapsology, by considering phenomenon its ontological dimension as level analysis. Among main results study, following should be noted: (i) convey an underlying epistemological model growth endless production, which itself fee...

Journal: : 2022

Alors que la photographie est régulièrement utilisée, par exemple, les mouvements sociaux et presse pour mettre en visibilité formes de protestation lutte sur l’espace ; relations plus ordinaires, elles, le sont moins. La mise œuvre dans temps des lieux précis devient alors autant une preuve visible démarche d’enquête le/la chercheur.e support “invisible” sociabilités, témoin clé rapports affec...


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Journal: :Projets de paysage 2022

L’aménagement d’espaces naturels et agricoles en ville s’accompagne de circulations terre végétale, autres substrats ou amendements, qui sont peu étudiées. De fait, l’attention des concepteurs, aménageurs gestionnaires se concentre indirectement sur les sols, souvent considérés comme éléments secondaires d’ensembles plante-substrat reconstitués ex nihilo. À partir d’une enquête qualitative expl...

Journal: :Perspectiva Filosófica 2022

Durante o período em que foi maniqueu, Agostinho compartilhou da ideia de mundo tem sua origem na junção duas substâncias ontológicas, Deus e as Trevas, ambas natureza corpórea. Ao encontrar Ambrósio, Milão, este fez pensar possibilidade se falar numa substância não corpórea, puramente espiritual, um único princípio – Deus, criou tudo ex nihilo. Entretanto, no concerne à do mal, isso resolvia p...

Journal: :Studies in East European Thought 2021

Abstract In his Heretical Essays , Jan Patočka introduces the concept of solidarity shaken . He argues that it emerges in conditions political violence—the frontline experience ( Fronterlebnis ). Moreover, brings into discussion puzzling concepts day, night, metanoia and sacrifice which only further problematise idea. Researching how other thinkers have examined phenomenon experience, becomes o...

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