نتایج جستجو برای: algebras and lie c

تعداد نتایج: 16983441  


Fomin and Zelevinsky [6] show that a certain two-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, here called the (b, c) family, possesses the Laurentness property: for all b, c, each term of the (b, c) sequence can be expressed as a Laurent polynomial in the two initial terms. In the case where the positive integers b, c satisfy bc < 4, the recurrence is related to the root systems of finite...


We begin to study the Lie theoretical analogs of symplectic reflection algebras for Γ a finite cyclic group, which we call “cyclic double affine Lie algebra”. We focus on type A : in the finite (resp. affine, double affine) case, we prove that these structures are finite (resp. affine, toroidal) type Lie algebras, but the gradings differ. The case which is essentially new is sln(C[u, v]⋊Γ). We ...

Journal: :Electr. J. Comb. 2007
Gregg Musiker James Gary Propp

Fomin and Zelevinsky [9] show that a certain two-parameter family of rational recurrence relations, here called the (b, c) family, possesses the Laurentness property: for all b, c, each term of the (b, c) sequence can be expressed as a Laurent polynomial in the two initial terms. In the case where the positive integers b, c satisfy bc < 4, the recurrence is related to the root systems of finite...


We begin to study the Lie theoretical analogs of symplectic reflection algebras for Γ a finite cyclic group, which we call “cyclic double affine Lie algebra”. We focus on type A : in the finite (resp. affine, double affine) case, we prove that these structures are finite (resp. affine, toroidal) type Lie algebras, but the gradings differ. The case which is essentially new is sln(C[u, v] o Γ). W...


In this article we initiate a systematic study of irreducible weight modules over direct limits of reductive Lie algebras, and in particular over the simple Lie algebras A(∞), B(∞), C(∞) and D(∞). Our main tool is the shadow method introduced recently in [DMP]. The integrable irreducible modules are an important particular class and we give an explicit parametrization of the finite integrable m...

Leonel Robert

Various questions on Lie ideals of C∗-algebras are investigated. They fall roughly under the following topics: relation of Lie ideals to closed two-sided ideals; Lie ideals spanned by special classes of elements such as commutators, nilpotents, and the range of polynomials; characterization of Lie ideals as similarity invariant subspaces.


We prove an explicit formula for the invariant μ(g) for finite-dimensional semisimple, and reductive Lie algebras g over C. Here μ(g) is the minimal dimension of a faithful linear representation of g. The result can be used to study Dynkin’s classification of maximal reductive subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras.

Chongying Dong

We establish that the Lie algebra of weight one states in a (strongly) rational vertex operator algebra is reductive, and that its Lie rank l is bounded above by the effective central charge c̃. We show that lattice vertex operator algebras may be characterized by the equalities c̃ = l = c, and in particular holomorphic lattice theories may be characterized among all holomorphic vertex operator a...

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