نتایج جستجو برای: 0191 and 2970

تعداد نتایج: 16827201  

Peter James Taylor Alex M. Wood Patricia Gooding Judith Johnson Nicholas Tarrier

0191-8869/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. A doi:10.1016/j.paid.2009.06.011 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (161) 306 0428; E-mail address: [email protected] The concepts of defeat and entrapment have been employed in evolutionary accounts of clinical phenomena such as depression and suicide. Recently theorists have argued that both concepts may be best conceptualised as ...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2012
Elaine Galicia-Connolly Larissa Shamseer Sunita Vohra

2012;33;276 Pediatrics in Review Elaine Galicia-Connolly, Larissa Shamseer and Sunita Vohra Neurodevelopment in Preterm Infants Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Medicine: Therapies for http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/33/6/276 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is ml http://pedsinreview.aappub...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2007
Philippe Major Elizabeth A Thiele

2007;28;405 Pediatrics in Review Philippe Major and Elizabeth A. Thiele Seizures in Children : Laboratory Diagnosis and Management http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/28/11/405 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is df http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content...

Bart Duriez

0191-8869/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. A doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.12.017 ⇑ Address: Department of Psychology, Katholieke U 3000 Leuven, Belgium. E-mail address: [email protected] Previous research suggested that Self-Determination Theory’s distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic goal pursuits provides a partial explanation for individual differences in ethnic and racial pr...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2009
Roberto Gordillo Adrian Spitzer

2009;30;94 Pediatrics in Review Roberto Gordillo and Adrian Spitzer The Nephrotic Syndrome http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/30/3/94 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is pdf http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/30/10/408.full. An erratum has been publ...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2004
Benjamin D Roye Joshua Hyman David P Roye

2004;25;124 Pediatrics in Review Benjamin D. Roye, Joshua Hyman and David P. Roye, Jr Congenital Idiopathic Talipes Equinovarus http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/25/4/124 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/suppl/2005/01/26/25.4.124.DC1.html Data Supple...

ژورنال: :فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی بررسیهای حسابداری وحسابرسی 2015
احمد احمدپور سید امین هادیان

استفاده­کنندگان صورت­های مالی برای تصمیم­گیری به اطلاعات حسابداری نیاز دارند و اطلاعات حسابداری زمانی می­تواند در تصمیم­گیری مفید واقع شود که از ارزش مربوط­بودن برخوردار باشد. هدف این پژوهش بررسی میزان تغییرات مربوط­بودن اطلاعات حسابداری و شناسایی عوامل مؤثر بر آن است. مربوط­بودن اطلاعات حسابداری به‎کمک چهار مدل با روش حداقل مربعات معمولی، در 2970 مشاهده طی دورۀ زمانی هجده‎ساله (1375 تا 1392) ب...

Adrian Furnham John Crump Mark Batey Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

0191-8869/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. A doi:10.1016/j.paid.2008.12.007 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 207 679 5395. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Furnham Over 3000 adult managers attending an assessment centre completed a battery of tests including three personality trait inventories (NEO-PIR; MBTI; and HDS), two ability tests (GMA, WG) and a well established measure of d...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2009
Ximena Sanchez-Samper John R Knight

2009;30;83 Pediatrics in Review Ximena Sanchez-Samper and John R. Knight Drug Abuse by Adolescents : General Considerations http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/30/3/83 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/suppl/2009/01/27/30.3.83.DC1.html Data Supplement (...

Journal: :Pediatrics in review 2012
Moira Szilagyi

2012;33;496 Pediatrics in Review Moira Szilagyi The Pediatric Role in the Care of Children in Foster and Kinship Care http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/33/11/496 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/suppl/2012/11/02/33.11.496.DC1.html tml http://pedsinre...

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