:The journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society2023
Sylvia Townsend Warner reviewed Montague Summers’s book on witchcraft and demonology in 1926. She took an ironic sceptical view of his denunciatory fervour.
This paper proposes the implicit display theory of verbal irony that overcomes several difficulties of previous irony theories, and then describes a computational model of irony interpretation and generation based on the theory. The theory claims that irony implicitly communicates the fact that its utterance situation is surrounded by ironic environment which has three properties, but hearers c...
This paper presents a formal semantics of verbal irony in assertions. In particular, it makes precise what is meant by the common intuition that an ironic utterance expresses the opposite of its literal meaning. We start by considering cases of verbal irony that are marked by a particular prosodic tune in English. We then demonstrate that an extant model for intonational meaning can be extended...
Analyzing the phenomenological philosophy of culture, in particular, concepts such modern phenomenologists as E. Husserl, P. Ricker, B. Waldenfels, we find that condition for existence and development cultural worlds is their otherness.