نتایج جستجو برای: telling

تعداد نتایج: 5700  

Marc Spaniol Ralf Klamma Nalin Sharda Matthias Jarke

Stories and story-telling are a cultural achievement of significant relevance, even in modern times. Since ancient times stories have served to entertain and teach mankind to “transmit” knowledge from generation to generation. Story-telling ranges from simple aural narrations to traditional inter-generational discourse and, in modern times, workflow-oriented organizational learning. Web-based s...

Samia A. Hurst Anne Baroffio Marinette Ummel Carine Layat Burn

Problem Truth-telling is an important component of respect for patients' self-determination, but in the context of breaking bad news, it is also a distressing and difficult task. Intervention We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention, integrating learning objectives in communication skills and ethics into students' attitudes and concerns regardin...

Journal: :CoRR 2014
Janis Noetzel Walter Swetly

This work is motivated by a question at the heart of unsupervised learning approaches: Assume we are collecting a number K of (subjective) opinions about some event E from K different agents. Can we infer E from them? Prima facie this seems impossible, since the agents may be lying. We model this task by letting the events be distributed according to some distribution p and the task is to estim...

Sampo Töyssy Jukka Raisamo Roope Raisamo

Touch is an important and often underutilized sense in human-computer interaction. For those with hearing or seeing impairments, touch becomes even more important and may be the only suitable communication channel. Touch can also be used to convey information discreetly. Also time plays a crucial role in our daily lives and therefore telling the time is very important. The two main subjects of ...

Daniel L. Schwartz John D. Bransford

This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to da...

Journal: :Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien 2014
Sarah de Leeuw

I want to tell you a story. This is a story about stories. As in any good story, we’re going to wander down a few storied paths. One of the paths leads back to 3 award-winning stories.* Remarkable stories by remarkable physicians who take seriously the power of stories—who have written powerful stories. Another path is about the importance of stories for human health and well-being from the per...

Journal: :The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 2004
Chris Del Mar Vivienne O'Connor

Should we stop telling well pregnant women to monitor fetal movements? How to use and interpret guidelines.Should we stop telling well pregnant women to monitor fetal movements? How to use and interpret guidelines." (2004).

Journal: :Qualitative Inquiry 2007

Journal: :Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 2015

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