نتایج جستجو برای: nuclear war

تعداد نتایج: 289230  

Journal: :CoRR 2015
Max Tegmark

∗Based on my talk at the symposium The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction held February 28–March 1 2015 at The New York Academy of Medicine: http://totalwebcasting.com/view/ ?id=hcf cided to build a contraption called the Spectacular Thermonuclear Unpredictable Population Incineration Device, abbreviated STUPID. It’s arguably the the most costly device ever built on this beautiful spinning...

Journal: :Journal for peace and nuclear disarmament 2021

Even before the pandemic hit humanity in first quarter of 2020, risk nuclear war was increasing due to complexity global order based on threat from now nine nuclear-ar...

Philip D. Goldstone

1993 Number 21 Los Alamos Science As we look back on the fifty-year history of Los Alamos National Laboratory, we can be justifiably proud of the accomplishments that are the foundation of our rich heritage. While the nation faced World War II and then the Cold War, we developed nuclear and thermonuclear explosives. In the early years we were also instrumental in developing the manufacturing te...

Richard P. Turco Douglas E. Kinnison

Nuclear winter has been hypothesized to dramatically alter the Earth’s climate. Michael Mills et al. have studied ozone depletion as a result of regional nuclear war, developing a computational model that links climate to atmospheric chemistry, and conducting 10-year simulations. The fires that would result from a total exchange of 100 Hiroshima-equivalent nuclear devices (yield 15 kilotons) wo...


O NE OF THE most curious characteristics of the United States military establishment since World War II has been its tendency to become slavishly addicted to fads. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, fascination with nuclear weapons to the exclusion of almost everything else led the Army to such unhappy experiments as the " pentomic divi­ sion " and the " Davy Crockett. " 1 The Air Forc...

Todd S. Sechser

• U.S. policy toward the nuclearization of India and Pakistan has shifted from sanctions and rollback to reluctant acceptance of their nuclear status. The United States now seeks to ensure that India and Pakistan become responsible nuclear powers and is emphasizing cooperative measures to prevent war, secure weapons and material from terrorist theft, and stop the further spread of nuclear weapons.

Journal: :The American psychologist 2013
Daniel J Christie Cristina J Montiel

The contributions of American psychologists to war have been substantial and responsive to changes in U.S. national security threats and interests for nearly 100 years. These contributions are identified and discussed for four periods of armed conflict: World Wars I and II, the Cold War, and the Global War on Terror. In contrast, about 50 years ago, largely in reaction to the threat of nuclear ...

Makoto Kojima

1. The history of US–Indian relations 1.1 1947-1990: The Cold War era US–Indian economic relations were never insignificant following India's independence, but mutual understanding was lost during the Cold War system, resulting in suppressed progress in the bilateral economic relationship. As a result of India's adoption of a parliamentary democracy after independence, the US assumed that as a ...

Iranian women have faced substantial socio-economic changes in the last decades, which provided opportunities to change gender beliefs and production of new generations of women. The aim of the present study is to examine the different attitudes of women towards gender roles, based on Mannheim and Giddens` theory. A survey method was used and data was gathered based on a researcher-made questio...

Seth D. Baum

A new line of nuclear winter research shows that even small, regional nuclear wars could have catastrophic global consequences. However, major disarmament to avoid nuclear winter goes against the reasons nuclear weapon states have for keeping their weapons in the first place, in particular deterrence. To reconcile these conflicting aims, this paper develops the concept of winter-safe deterrence...

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