The g,~mera.I aim of ISis l)a.l~er is to show h()w t,o use locus I;o decotnpose the ii~l, erpreL:.~t, ioJl of a. phra, se iul;o two) pa..rl, s, where, oue pa, rt is I, he iittez'prel;.;:d, ion ,.ff I, he ['o,::t+ssed i tem a,n(l the or;her is sotn,:; o1:,],::,,::1; w i th wh ich this ca.n comlJine. Sup-pose, ['or>le, we t.h(+ughl, l.ha, t; the VP ./. , a pea.oh shoutd Im iul:;rF, reted ~...