نتایج جستجو برای: motor cortex

تعداد نتایج: 282885  

ژورنال: :physiology and pharmacology 0
آسیه شجاعی asiyeh shojaee dept. of physiology, school of veterinary. medicine, shiraz university, shiraz, iranبخش فیزیولوژی- دانشکده دامپزشکی مهناز طاهریانفرد mahnaz taherianfard dept. of physiology, school of veterinary. medicine, shiraz university, shiraz, iranبخش فیزیولوژی- دانشکده دامپزشکی مریم شریفی maryam sharifi sharifi dept. of physiology, school of veterinary. medicine, shiraz university, shiraz, iranبخش فیزیولوژی- دانشکده دامپزشکی

مقدمه: ارتباط متقابل بین هورمون های استروئیدی و نوروترانسمیترهایی نظیر گابا به اثبات رسیده است. تنظیم جایگاه اتصالی با تمایل بالای موسیمول با گیرنده gabaa بوسیله استرادیول و پروژسترون توسط اتورادیوگرافی کمی مطالعه شد. در حالی که مطالعات کمی بر مکانیسم اثر هورمون های استروئیدی بر رفتارهایی مانند یادگیری و حافظه و همچنین تراکم گیرنده gabaaα1 در قشر پری فرونتال هنوز کاملا وجود دارد. بنابراین هدف م...

Journal: :Behavioural brain research 2016
David T Pruitt Ariel N Schmid Tanya T Danaphongse Kate E Flanagan Robert A Morrison Michael P Kilgard Robert L Rennaker Seth A Hays

Skilled motor training results in reorganization of contralateral motor cortex movement representations. The ipsilateral motor cortex is believed to play a role in skilled motor control, but little is known about how training influences reorganization of ipsilateral motor representations of the trained limb. To determine whether training results in reorganization of ipsilateral motor cortex map...

Connie Cheung Liberty S Hamiton Keith Johnson Edward F Chang

In humans, listening to speech evokes neural responses in the motor cortex. This has been controversially interpreted as evidence that speech sounds are processed as articulatory gestures. However, it is unclear what information is actually encoded by such neural activity. We used high-density direct human cortical recordings while participants spoke and listened to speech sounds. Motor cortex ...

Journal: :Biological psychology 2008
Carly K Peterson Eddie Harmon-Jones

Previous research has demonstrated that hypomania is associated with approach motivation and activity in the left prefrontal cortex (PFC). Other research has linked left motor cortex excitability to approach motivation, suggesting the existence of connections between the motor cortex and PFC. The present research extends this work using unilateral hand contractions to manipulate contralateral c...

Journal: :Journal of neurosurgery 2009
Nordeyn Oulad Ben Taib Mario Manto

OBJECT The cerebellum is a key modulator of motor cortex activity, allowing both the maintenance and fine-tuning of motor cortex discharges. One elemental defect associated with acute cerebellar lesions is decreased excitability of the contralateral motor cortex, which is assumed to participate in deficits in skilled movements and considered a major defect in motor cortex properties. In the pre...

Journal: :The European journal of neuroscience 2007
C Eisenegger U Herwig L Jäncke

We used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left primary hand motor cortex and motor evoked potentials of the contralateral right abductor pollicis brevis to probe motor cortex excitability during a standard mental rotation task. Based on previous findings we tested the following hypotheses. (i) Is the hand motor cortex activated more strongly during mental rotation than durin...

Journal: :Neurologia medico-chirurgica 1995
M Sasahira T Asakura M Niiro A Haruzono W Hirakawa T Matsumoto T Fujimoto

Functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the brain was performed during motor task activation in five normal subjects and a patient with meningioma using conventional fast low-angle shot sequences and a 2.0 T system. A high intensity area in the motor cortex was observed in all normal subjects. Single-slice studies showed the right-sided finger task produced an increase of 1.9-23.5% (6.67 ...

Journal: :NeuroImage 2012
Yannick Wamain Jessica Tallet Pier-Giorgio Zanone Marieke Longcamp

Previous studies demonstrated that visual perception of handwritten letters activates the left primary motor cortex more strongly than printed letters. Here, we used EEG to record cortical responses evoked by single letters to directly test if their visual processing is actually influenced by their motor content. We manipulated the "motor familiarity" of letters that we considered high for lett...

Journal: :AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 2016
M Cosottini G Donatelli M Costagli E Caldarazzo Ienco D Frosini I Pesaresi L Biagi G Siciliano M Tosetti

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive motor neuron disorder that involves degeneration of both upper and lower motor neurons. In patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pathologic studies and ex vivo high-resolution MR imaging at ultra-high field strength revealed the co-localization of iron and activated microglia distributed in the deep layers of the prima...

Journal: :Journal of neurophysiology 2011
Francesco Negro Dario Farina

Oscillations in the primary motor cortex are transmitted through the corticospinal tract to the motoneuron pool. This pathway is believed to produce an effective and direct command from the motor cortex to the spinal motoneurons for the modulation of the force output. In this study, we used a computational model of a population of motoneurons to investigate the factors that can influence the tr...

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