:hepatitis monthly
zhao qian kunming medical college, kunming, yunnan, china; institute of basic and clinical medicine, provincial key laboratory for birth defects and genetic diseases, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, affiliated hospital of kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan province, china
wang jianqiong clinical laboratory, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, kunming, yunnan province, china
li hongmei institute of basic and clinical medicine, provincial key laboratory for birth defects and genetic diseases, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, affiliated hospital of kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan province, china; kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan, china
zeng rong institute of basic and clinical medicine, provincial key laboratory for birth defects and genetic diseases, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, affiliated hospital of kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan province, china
zhang jinping institute of basic and clinical medicine, provincial key laboratory for birth defects and genetic diseases, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, affiliated hospital of kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan province, china
zhang jinping institute of basic and clinical medicine, provincial key laboratory for birth defects and genetic diseases, the first people’s hospital of yunnan province, affiliated hospital of kunming science and technology university, kunming, yunnan province, china
conclusions the b3, b5, b7, b8 and b9 subgenotypes can be clustered into quasi-sub-genotype b3 and the open reading frame of hbv has a start codon preference; however, whether a mutation in the start codon in the pre-s2 region has an impact on survival and replication of hbv remains to be determined. background the number of cases of hbv infection reported by the who for each district and count...