Let X and Y be real normed spaces f : ? a surjective mapping. Then satisfies { ? ( x ) + y , ? } = ? if only is phase equivalent to linear isometry, that is, ? U where isometry 1 . This Wigner's type result for spaces.
A leaf of a compact foliated space has a well defined quasi-isometry type and it is a natural question to ask which quasi-isometry types of (intrinsic) metric spaces can appear as leaves of foliated spaces. There are two more or less related concepts of quasi-isometry. The first one is that used in Riemannian geometry, namely, two (Lipschitz) manifolds are quasi-isometric if there is a Lipschit...
For real hyperbolic spaces, the dynamics of individual isometries and the geometry of the limit set of nonelementary discrete isometry groups have been studied in great detail. Most of the results were generalised to discrete isometry groups of simply connected Riemannian manifolds of pinched negative curvature. For symmetric spaces of higher rank, which contain isometrically embedded Euclidean...
:Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography2006
Yi Ming Zou
The structure of the coincidence symmetry group of an arbitrary n-dimensional lattice in the n-dimensional Euclidean space is considered by describing a set of generators. Particular attention is given to the coincidence isometry subgroup (the subgroup formed by those coincidence symmetries that are elements of the orthogonal group). Conditions under which the coincidence isometry group can be ...
We show in this paper that every bijective linear isometry between the continuous section spaces of two non-square Banach bundles gives rise to a Banach bundle isomorphism. This is to support our expectation that the geometric structure of the continuous section space of a Banach bundle determines completely its bundle structures. We also describe the structure of an into isometry from a contin...