نتایج جستجو برای: tion

تعداد نتایج: 16076  

Journal: :Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology 2013

Journal: :Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod University. Series «Chemistry» 2018

Journal: :Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy 1960


In a pre vi ous study, it was noted that in some cases when com pres sive strains greater than about 5% were ap plied to tu mors re moved from the breast, there was an abrupt and ir re vers ible change in the tis sue stiff ness. The data from that study were fur ther an a lyzed and in fil trat ing ductal car ci no mas with and with out lob u lar fea tures were se lected for ad di tional test in...


United Na tions Ad min is tra tive Com mit tee on Co or di na tion in col labo ra tion with In ter na tional Food Pol icy Re search In sti tute (IFPRI) th Re port on Copy right © 2000 UN ACC SubCommittee on Nu tri tion ACC/SCN pub li ca tions may be re pro duced with out prior per mission , but please at trib ute to the ACC/SCN. The des ig na tions em ployed and the pres en ta tion of ma te ria...

Pamela G. Fry

program and the school psychology program are ac cred it ed by the Amer i can Psy cho log i cal As so ci a tion. The leisure studies program is ac cred it ed by the Nation al Rec re ation and Park As so ci a tion, in cooperation with the Amer i can Asso ci a tion for Lei sure and Rec re ation with options in leisure service man age ment and ther a peu tic rec re ation. Athletic training is accr...

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