نتایج جستجو برای: opposite charge electrospinning

تعداد نتایج: 202186  


If the electromagnetic field of a uniformly accelerated charge is computed by means of Liknard-Wiechert potentials, it is found that the result does not correspond to a single source. Besides the original uniformly accelerated charge there is also a second charge, which is spread on a plane recessing in the opposite direction with the velocity of light. The work performed by this second charge ...

Journal: :Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006
Liangfang Zhang Liang Hong Yan Yu Sung Chul Bae Steve Granick

Phospholipid liposomes (100-200 nm diameter) are deposited onto solid substrates after stabilizing them against fusion with the solid by allowing charged nanoparticles to adsorb at approximately 25% surface coverage. The immobilized vesicles remain stable over a period of days. Epifluorescence imaging shows that they diffuse freely over surfaces with the same charge but adsorb tightly onto surf...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2010
T W Neely E C Samson A S Bradley M J Davis B P Anderson

We report experimental observations and numerical simulations of the formation, dynamics, and lifetimes of single and multiply charged quantized vortex dipoles in highly oblate dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). We nucleate pairs of vortices of opposite charge (vortex dipoles) by forcing superfluid flow around a repulsive Gaussian obstacle within the BEC. By controlling the flow veloc...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2017
V Khachatryan A M Sirunyan A Tumasyan W Adam E Asilar T Bergauer J Brandstetter E Brondolin M Dragicevic J Erö M Flechl M Friedl R Frühwirth V M Ghete C Hartl N Hörmann J Hrubec M Jeitler A König I Krätschmer D Liko T Matsushita I Mikulec D Rabady N Rad B Rahbaran H Rohringer J Schieck J Strauss W Waltenberger C-E Wulz O Dvornikov V Makarenko V Zykunov V Mossolov N Shumeiko J Suarez Gonzalez S Alderweireldt E A De Wolf X Janssen J Lauwers M Van De Klundert H Van Haevermaet P Van Mechelen N Van Remortel A Van Spilbeeck S Abu Zeid F Blekman J D'Hondt N Daci I De Bruyn K Deroover S Lowette S Moortgat L Moreels A Olbrechts Q Python S Tavernier W Van Doninck P Van Mulders I Van Parijs H Brun B Clerbaux G De Lentdecker H Delannoy G Fasanella L Favart R Goldouzian A Grebenyuk G Karapostoli T Lenzi A Léonard J Luetic T Maerschalk A Marinov A Randle-Conde T Seva C Vander Velde P Vanlaer D Vannerom R Yonamine F Zenoni F Zhang A Cimmino T Cornelis D Dobur A Fagot G Garcia M Gul I Khvastunov D Poyraz S Salva R Schöfbeck A Sharma M Tytgat W Van Driessche E Yazgan N Zaganidis H Bakhshiansohi C Beluffi O Bondu S Brochet G Bruno A Caudron S De Visscher C Delaere M Delcourt B Francois A Giammanco A Jafari P Jez M Komm G Krintiras V Lemaitre A Magitteri A Mertens M Musich C Nuttens K Piotrzkowski L Quertenmont M Selvaggi M Vidal Marono S Wertz N Beliy W L Aldá Júnior F L Alves G A Alves L Brito C Hensel A Moraes M E Pol P Rebello Teles E Belchior Batista Das Chagas W Carvalho J Chinellato A Custódio E M Da Costa G G Da Silveira D De Jesus Damiao C De Oliveira Martins S Fonseca De Souza L M Huertas Guativa H Malbouisson D Matos Figueiredo C Mora Herrera L Mundim H Nogima W L Prado Da Silva A Santoro A Sznajder E J Tonelli Manganote A Vilela Pereira S Ahuja C A Bernardes S Dogra T R Fernandez Perez Tomei E M Gregores P G Mercadante C S Moon S F Novaes Sandra S Padula D Romero Abad J C Ruiz Vargas A Aleksandrov R Hadjiiska P Iaydjiev M Rodozov S Stoykova G Sultanov M Vutova A Dimitrov I Glushkov L Litov B Pavlov P Petkov W Fang M Ahmad J G Bian G M Chen H S Chen M Chen Y Chen T Cheng C H Jiang D Leggat Z Liu F Romeo S M Shaheen A Spiezia J Tao C Wang Z Wang H Zhang J Zhao Y Ban G Chen Q Li S Liu Y Mao S J Qian D Wang Z Xu C Avila A Cabrera L F Chaparro Sierra C Florez J P Gomez C F González Hernández J D Ruiz Alvarez J C Sanabria N Godinovic D Lelas I Puljak P M Ribeiro Cipriano T Sculac Z Antunovic M Kovac V Brigljevic D Ferencek K Kadija B Mesic S Micanovic L Sudic T Susa A Attikis G Mavromanolakis J Mousa C Nicolaou F Ptochos P A Razis H Rykaczewski D Tsiakkouri M Finger E Carrera Jarrin A A Abdelalim Y Mohammed E Salama M Kadastik L Perrini M Raidal A Tiko C Veelken P Eerola J Pekkanen M Voutilainen J Härkönen T Järvinen V Karimäki R Kinnunen T Lampén K Lassila-Perini S Lehti T Lindén P Luukka J Tuominiemi E Tuovinen L Wendland J Talvitie T Tuuva M Besancon F Couderc M Dejardin D Denegri B Fabbro J L Faure C Favaro F Ferri S Ganjour S Ghosh A Givernaud P Gras G Hamel de Monchenault P Jarry I Kucher E Locci M Machet J Malcles J Rander A Rosowsky M Titov A Zghiche A Abdulsalam I Antropov S Baffioni F Beaudette P Busson L Cadamuro E Chapon C Charlot O Davignon R Granier de Cassagnac M Jo S Lisniak P Miné M Nguyen C Ochando G Ortona P Paganini P Pigard S Regnard R Salerno Y Sirois T Strebler Y Yilmaz A Zabi J-L Agram J Andrea A Aubin D Bloch J-M Brom M Buttignol E C Chabert N Chanon C Collard E Conte X Coubez J-C Fontaine D Gelé U Goerlach A-C Le Bihan K Skovpen P Van Hove S Gadrat S Beauceron C Bernet G Boudoul E Bouvier C A Carrillo Montoya R Chierici D Contardo B Courbon P Depasse H El Mamouni J Fan J Fay S Gascon M Gouzevitch G Grenier B Ille F Lagarde I B Laktineh M Lethuillier L Mirabito A L Pequegnot S Perries A Popov D Sabes V Sordini M Vander Donckt P Verdier S Viret T Toriashvili Z Tsamalaidze C Autermann S Beranek L Feld A Heister M K Kiesel K Klein M Lipinski A Ostapchuk M Preuten F Raupach S Schael C Schomakers J Schulz T Verlage H Weber V Zhukov A Albert M Brodski E Dietz-Laursonn D Duchardt M Endres M Erdmann S Erdweg T Esch R Fischer A Güth M Hamer T Hebbeker C Heidemann K Hoepfner S Knutzen M Merschmeyer A Meyer P Millet S Mukherjee M Olschewski K Padeken T Pook M Radziej H Reithler M Rieger F Scheuch L Sonnenschein D Teyssier S Thüer V Cherepanov G Flügge B Kargoll T Kress A Künsken J Lingemann T Müller A Nehrkorn A Nowack C Pistone O Pooth A Stahl M Aldaya Martin T Arndt C Asawatangtrakuldee K Beernaert O Behnke U Behrens A A Bin Anuar K Borras A Campbell P Connor C Contreras-Campana F Costanza C Diez Pardos G Dolinska G Eckerlin D Eckstein T Eichhorn E Eren E Gallo J Garay Garcia A Geiser A Gizhko J M Grados Luyando P Gunnellini A Harb J Hauk M Hempel H Jung A Kalogeropoulos O Karacheban M Kasemann J Keaveney C Kleinwort I Korol D Krücker W Lange A Lelek J Leonard K Lipka A Lobanov W Lohmann R Mankel I-A Melzer-Pellmann A B Meyer G Mittag J Mnich A Mussgiller E Ntomari D Pitzl R Placakyte A Raspereza B Roland M Ö Sahin P Saxena T Schoerner-Sadenius C Seitz S Spannagel N Stefaniuk G P Van Onsem R Walsh C Wissing V Blobel M Centis Vignali A R Draeger T Dreyer E Garutti D Gonzalez J Haller M Hoffmann A Junkes R Klanner R Kogler N Kovalchuk T Lapsien T Lenz I Marchesini D Marconi M Meyer M Niedziela D Nowatschin F Pantaleo T Peiffer A Perieanu J Poehlsen C Sander C Scharf P Schleper A Schmidt S Schumann J Schwandt

Charge-dependent azimuthal particle correlations with respect to the second-order event plane in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV have been studied with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is performed with a three-particle correlation technique, using two particles with the same or opposite charge within the pseudorapidity range |η|<2.4...

Journal: :Journal of colloid and interface science 2003
Haohao Huang Marian Manciu Eli Ruckenstein

Double-layer and hydration interactions have been coupled into a single set of equations because both are dependent on the polarization of the water molecules. The coupled equations involve the electric fields generated by the surface charge and surface dipoles, as well as the field due to the neighboring dipoles in water. The dipoles on the surface are generated through the counterions' bindin...

Journal: :Nano letters 2011
Gobind S Bisht Giulia Canton Alireza Mirsepassi Lawrence Kulinsky Seajin Oh Derek Dunn-Rankin Marc J Madou

We report on a continuous method for controlled electrospinning of polymeric nanofibers on two-dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) substrates using low voltage near-field electrospinning (LV NFES). The method overcomes some of the drawbacks in more conventional near-field electrospinning by using a superelastic polymer ink formulation. The viscoelastic nature of our polymer ink enables ...

Journal: :Bio-medical materials and engineering 2014
Chenhui Zhu Xiaoxuan Ma Li Xian Yang Zhou Daidi Fan

Novel scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering were fabricated by co-electrospinning human-like collagen/chitosan and polylactic acid at room temperature and normal pressure. By studying the effects of composition and collecting distance on the morphology of electrospun meshes, we determined that the proper collecting distance and the concentration of the solution are the keys to the success o...

Journal: :American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2020

Gerard Cadafalch Gazquez Vera Smulders Sjoerd A. Veldhuis Paul Wieringa Lorenzo Moroni Bernard A. Boukamp Johan E. ten Elshof

The fabrication process of ceramic yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and nickel oxide nanofibers by electrospinning is reported. The preparation of hollow YSZ nanofibers and aligned nanofiber arrays is also demonstrated. The influence of the process parameters of the electrospinning process, the physicochemical properties of the spinning solutions, and the thermal treatment procedure on spinnabi...

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