in this article, we have focused one some basic and productive information about the properties of spectrum and singular values related to compact operators which are ideals in a c*-algebra of bounded operators. considering a two-sided connection between the family of symmetric gauge functions on sequence of singular values of compact operators and symmetric norms on finite dimensional ope...
Photographic evidence for Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, 1769, Trochalopteron squamatum (Gould, 1835) and Lonchura malacca (Linnaeus, 1766) (Aves: Passeriformes) in the Pokhara Valley of Kaski district, Nepal
The origin of the local population of young, cooling neutron stars is investigated with a population synthesis model taking into account the contribution of neutron stars born in the Gould Belt, in addition to those originating in the Galactic disk. We estimate their emission in the soft X-ray band as a function of distance and age and construct the Log N – Log S distribution. It is shown that ...
—Calliphlox iridescens Gould, 1860 is hypothesized to be a hybrid between Calliphlox amethystina and Chlorostilhon aureoventris. The hybrid, collected at Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, exhibits a blended mosaic of plumage characters of the presumed parental species. External measurements of the hybrid fall between the character means of the parental species and approach the values expec...