For Φ,Ψ ∈ A′′, define 〈Φ Ψ, λ〉 = 〈Φ, Ψ · λ〉 (λ ∈ A′) , and similarly for ♦. Thus (A′′, ) and (A′′,♦) are Banach algebras each containingA as a closed subalgebra. The Banach algebra A is Arens regular if and ♦ coincide on A′′, and A is strongly Arens irregular if and ♦ coincide only on A. A subspace X of A′ is left-introverted if Φ · λ ∈ X whenever Φ ∈ A′′ and λ ∈ X . There has been a great deal...