نتایج جستجو برای: unital quantale

تعداد نتایج: 1601  

Journal: :CoRR 2010
Dirk Hofmann Pawel Waszkiewicz

Our work is a foundational study of the notion of approximation inQ-categories and in (U,Q)-categories, for a quantale Q and the ultrafilter monad U. We introduce auxiliary, approximating and Scott-continuous distributors, the way-below distributor, and continuity of Qand (U,Q)-categories. We fully characterize continuous Q-categories (resp. (U,Q)-categories) among all cocomplete Q-categories (...

Pedro Resende

For an arbitrary localic étale groupoid G we provide simple descriptions, in terms of modules over the quantale O(G) of the groupoid, of the continuous actions of G, including actions on open maps and sheaves. The category of G-actions is isomorphic to a corresponding category of O(G)-modules, and as a corollary we obtain a new quantale based representation of étendues.

Journal: :Applied Categorical Structures 2021

In this communication we generalize some recent results of Rump to categories enriched in a commutative quantale V. Using these results, show that every quantale-enriched multicategory admits an injective hull. Finally, expose connection between the Isbell adjunction and construction hulls for topological spaces made by Banaschewski 1973.

Journal: :Math. Log. Q. 2009
Javier Gutiérrez García Hongliang Lai Lili Shen

In fairly elementary terms this paper presents how the theory of preordered fuzzy sets, more precisely quantale-valued preorders on quantale-valued fuzzy sets, is established under the guidance of enriched category theory. Motivated by several key results from the theory of quantaloid-enriched categories, this paper develops all needed ingredients purely in order-theoretic languages for the rea...

Journal: :algebra universalis 2005

Journal: :Topology and its Applications 2011

Generalising Nachbin's theory of ``topology and order'', in this paper we   continue the study of quantale-enriched categories equipped with a compact   Hausdorff topology. We compare these $V$-categorical compact Hausdorff spaces   with ultrafilter-quantale-enriched categories, and show that the presence of a   compact Hausdorff topology guarantees Cauchy completeness and (suitably   defined) ...

Journal: :Forum Mathematicum 2014


Generalizing a concept of Lipshitz, Ozsváth and Thurston from Bordered Floer homology, we define D-structures on algebras of unital operads. This construction gives rise to an equivalence of derived categories, which can be thought of as a unital version of Koszul duality using non-unital Quillen homology, even though the non-unital Quillen homology of unital objects is zero.

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