نتایج جستجو برای: sharp masking

تعداد نتایج: 55322  

R. Aaij B. Adeva M. Adinolfi A. Affolder Z. Ajaltouni J. Albrecht F. Alessio M. Alexander S. Ali G. Alkhazov P. Alvarez Cartelle A. A. Alves S. Amato S. Amerio Y. Amhis L. Anderlini J. Anderson R. Andreassen M. Andreotti J. E. Andrews R. B. Appleby O. Aquines Gutierrez F. Archilli A. Artamonov M. Artuso E. Aslanides G. Auriemma M. Baalouch S. Bachmann J. J. Back A. Badalov V. Balagura W. Baldini R. J. Barlow C. Barschel S. Barsuk W. Barter V. Batozskaya Th. Bauer A. Bay J. Beddow F. Bedeschi I. Bediaga S. Belogurov K. Belous I. Belyaev E. Ben-Haim G. Bencivenni S. Benson J. Benton A. Berezhnoy R. Bernet M.-O. Bettler M. van Beuzekom A. Bien S. Bifani T. Bird A. Bizzeti P. M. Bjørnstad T. Blake F. Blanc J. Blouw S. Blusk V. Bocci A. Bondar N. Bondar W. Bonivento S. Borghi A. Borgia M. Borsato T. J. V. Bowcock E. Bowen C. Bozzi T. Brambach J. van den Brand J. Bressieux D. Brett M. Britsch T. Britton N. H. Brook H. Brown A. Bursche G. Busetto J. Buytaert S. Cadeddu R. Calabrese O. Callot M. Calvi M. Calvo Gomez A. Camboni P. Campana D. Campora Perez A. Carbone G. Carboni R. Cardinale A. Cardini H. Carranza-Mejia L. Carson K. Carvalho Akiba G. Casse L. Castillo Garcia M. Cattaneo Ch. Cauet R. Cenci M. Charles Ph. Charpentier S.-F. Cheung N. Chiapolini M. Chrzaszcz K. Ciba X. Cid Vidal G. Ciezarek P. E. L. Clarke M. Clemencic H. V. Cliff J. Closier C. Coca V. Coco J. Cogan E. Cogneras P. Collins A. Comerma-Montells A. Contu A. Cook M. Coombes S. Coquereau G. Corti I. Counts B. Couturier G. A. Cowan D. C. Craik M. Cruz Torres S. Cunliffe R. Currie C. D’Ambrosio J. Dalseno P. David P. N. Y. David A. Davis I. De Bonis K. De Bruyn S. De Capua M. De Cian J. M. De Miranda L. De Paula W. De Silva P. De Simone D. Decamp M. Deckenhoff L. Del Buono N. Déléage D. Derkach O. Deschamps F. Dettori A. Di Canto H. Dijkstra S. Donleavy F. Dordei M. Dorigo P. Dorosz A. Dosil Suárez D. Dossett A. Dovbnya F. Dupertuis P. Durante R. Dzhelyadin A. Dziurda A. Dzyuba S. Easo U. Egede V. Egorychev S. Eidelman S. Eisenhardt U. Eitschberger R. Ekelhof L. Eklund I. El Rifai Ch. Elsasser A. Falabella C. Färber C. Farinelli S. Farry D. Ferguson V. Fernandez Albor F. Ferreira Rodrigues M. Ferro-Luzzi S. Filippov M. Fiore M. Fiorini C. Fitzpatrick M. Fontana F. Fontanelli R. Forty O. Francisco M. Frank C. Frei M. Frosini E. Furfaro A. Gallas Torreira D. Galli M. Gandelman P. Gandini Y. Gao J. Garofoli J. Garra Tico L. Garrido C. Gaspar R. Gauld E. Gersabeck M. Gersabeck T. Gershon Ph. Ghez A. Gianelle V. Gibson L. Giubega V. V. Gligorov C. Göbel D. Golubkov A. Golutvin A. Gomes H. Gordon M. Grabalosa Gándara R. Graciani Diaz L. A. Granado Cardoso E. Graugés G. Graziani A. Grecu E. Greening S. Gregson P. Griffith L. Grillo O. Grünberg B. Gui E. Gushchin Yu. Guz T. Gys C. Hadjivasiliou G. Haefeli C. Haen T. W. Hafkenscheid S. C. Haines S. Hall B. Hamilton T. Hampson S. Hansmann-Menzemer N. Harnew S. T. Harnew J. Harrison T. Hartmann J. He T. Head V. Heijne K. Hennessy P. Henrard J. A. Hernando Morata E. van Herwijnen M. Heß A. Hicheur D. Hill M. Hoballah C. Hombach W. Hulsbergen P. Hunt T. Huse N. Hussain D. Hutchcroft D. Hynds V. Iakovenko M. Idzik P. Ilten R. Jacobsson A. Jaeger E. Jans P. Jaton A. Jawahery F. Jing M. John D. Johnson C. R. Jones C. Joram B. Jost N. Jurik M. Kaballo S. Kandybei W. Kanso M. Karacson T. M. Karbach I. R. Kenyon T. Ketel B. Khanji C. Khurewathanakul S. Klaver O. Kochebina I. Komarov R. F. Koopman P. Koppenburg M. Korolev A. Kozlinskiy L. Kravchuk K. Kreplin M. Kreps G. Krocker P. Krokovny F. Kruse M. Kucharczyk V. Kudryavtsev K. Kurek T. Kvaratskheliya V. N. La Thi D. Lacarrere G. Lafferty A. Lai D. Lambert R. W. Lambert E. Lanciotti G. Lanfranchi C. Langenbruch T. Latham C. Lazzeroni R. Le Gac J. van Leerdam J.-P. Lees R. Lefèvre A. Leflat J. Lefrançois S. Leo O. Leroy T. Lesiak B. Leverington Y. Li M. Liles R. Lindner C. Linn F. Lionetto B. Liu G. Liu S. Lohn I. Longstaff J. H. Lopes N. Lopez-March P. Lowdon H. Lu D. Lucchesi J. Luisier H. Luo E. Luppi O. Lupton F. Machefert I. V. Machikhiliyan F. Maciuc O. Maev S. Malde G. Manca G. Mancinelli M. Manzali J. Maratas U. Marconi P. Marino R. Märki J. Marks G. Martellotti A. Martens A. Martín Sánchez M. Martinelli D. Martinez Santos D. Martins Tostes A. Massafferri R. Matev Z. Mathe C. Matteuzzi A. Mazurov M. McCann J. McCarthy A. McNab R. McNulty B. McSkelly B. Meadows F. Meier M. Meissner M. Merk D. A. Milanes M.-N. Minard J. Molina Rodriguez S. Monteil D. Moran M. Morandin P. Morawski A. Mordà M. J. Morello R. Mountain I. Mous F. Muheim K. Müller R. Muresan B. Muryn B. Muster P. Naik T. Nakada R. Nandakumar I. Nasteva M. Needham S. Neubert N. Neufeld A. D. Nguyen T. D. Nguyen C. Nguyen-Mau M. Nicol V. Niess R. Niet N. Nikitin T. Nikodem A. Novoselov A. Oblakowska-Mucha V. Obraztsov S. Oggero S. Ogilvy O. Okhrimenko R. Oldeman G. Onderwater M. Orlandea J. M. Otalora Goicochea P. Owen A. Oyanguren B. K. Pal A. Palano M. Palutan J. Panman A. Papanestis M. Pappagallo L. Pappalardo C. Parkes C. J. Parkinson G. Passaleva G. D. Patel M. Patel C. Patrignani C. Pavel-Nicorescu A. Pazos Alvarez A. Pearce A. Pellegrino G. Penso M. Pepe Altarelli S. Perazzini E. Perez Trigo P. Perret M. Perrin-Terrin L. Pescatore E. Pesen G. Pessina K. Petridis A. Petrolini E. Picatoste Olloqui B. Pietrzyk T. Pilař D. Pinci A. Pistone S. Playfer M. Plo Casasus F. Polci G. Polok A. Poluektov E. Polycarpo A. Popov D. Popov B. Popovici C. Potterat A. Powell J. Prisciandaro A. Pritchard C. Prouve V. Pugatch A. Puig Navarro G. Punzi W. Qian B. Rachwal J. H. Rademacker B. Rakotomiaramanana M. Rama M. S. Rangel I. Raniuk N. Rauschmayr G. Raven S. Redford S. Reichert M. M. Reid A. C. dos Reis S. Ricciardi A. Richards K. Rinnert V. Rives Molina D. A. Roa Romero P. Robbe D. A. Roberts A. B. Rodrigues E. Rodrigues P. Rodriguez Perez S. Roiser V. Romanovsky A. Romero Vidal M. Rotondo

The lifetime of the B + c meson is measured using semileptonic decays having a J/ψ meson and a muon in the final state. The data, corresponding to an integrated lumi-nosity of 2 fb −1 , are collected by the LHCb detector in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The measured lifetime is τ = 509 ± 8 ± 12 fs, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.

Elizabeth Elias Manju Manuel

In applications like weather monitoring, remote sensing, seismic signal processing etc, the boundaries and sharp features of the images have to be enhanced to obtain useful results and interpretations. The two dimensional(2D) highpass filters are used for such image processing applications. A direct design of the 2D high pass filter using frequency transformation has not been reported in the li...

D. Sen J. B. Allen

It is generally accepted that the sharp tuning observed at the characteristic frequency (CF) auditory nerve fibre can be attributed to the sharp mechanical response at the corresponding position of the basilar membrane (at the Best Place BP). This observation has resulted in attention being focused on the basilar membrane and away from other micromechanical structures in the cochlea. However, a...

Joseph X. Rodrigues

Problem statement: A simple analytical approach to the synthesis of a sharp transition, linear phase, multiband FIR filter is presented. The filter magnitude response is modeled using trigonometric functions of frequency. Approach: Employing variable density of ripple cycles in passband and stopband regions with large density of ripples cycles at the sharp transition edges, reduces the abrupt d...

Edoardo Ardizzone Roberto Pirrone Salvatore La Bua Orazio Gambino

This paper presents a method to suppress the bias artifact, also known as RF-inhomogeneity, in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This artifact produces illumination variations due to magnetic field fluctuations of the device. In the latest years many works have been devoted to face this problem. In this work we present the 3D version of a new approach to bias correction, which is called Exponen...

Vincent Di Lollo

Loftus, Johnson, and Shimamura (1975) displayed a test stimulus (a picture) followed by a masking stimulus either immediately or after a 300-ms delay. They attributed the superior performance obtained with the delayed mask to the continued availability of a visible icon. Here I suggest that Loftus et al.'s explanation is questionable on empirical and on conceptual grounds. Instead, I propose an...

Journal: :Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1978

Stefano Burigat Luca Chittaro

In this chapter, we will deal with cluttering issues associated with the visualization of a high number of icons, representing Points of Interest, on mobile maps. Clutter is a frequently occuring problem that makes it difficult to understand the visualization and has the even more critical effect of masking data. As the user zooms out, the positions of icons increasingly converge until they par...

Wonho Yang Robert E. Yantorno

The Modified Bark Spectral Distortion (MBSD), used for an objective speech quality measure, was presented previously [1, 2]. The MBSD measure estimates speech distortion in loudness domain taking into account the noise masking threshold in order to include only audible distortions in the calculation of the distortion measure. Preliminary simulation results have shown improvement of the MBSD ove...

Journal: :International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems 2023

Unsharp Masking is a popular image processing technique used for improving the sharpness of structures on dental radiographs. However, it produces overshoot artefact and intolerably amplifies noise. On radiographs, often resembles indications prosthesis misfit, pathosis, pathological features associated with restorations. A noise- robust alternative to algorithm, termed Gradient-adaptive Nonlin...

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