نتایج جستجو برای: procrastination

تعداد نتایج: 1287  

Annamaria Di Fabio

The aim of the present study is to examine a number of decisional procrastination correlates. A sample of 258 subjects attending secondary school were administered the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, Self-Esteem Scale, Big Five Questionnaire and Five Factors Adjective Short Test. The data were subjected to correlation and multiple regression. Decisiona...

Fatemeh Taghizadeh Jamshid Yazdani Cherati

BACKGROUND Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the ability to implement the behaviors needed to produce a desired effect. There has been growing interest in the role of self-efficacy as a predictor and/or mediator of treatment outcome in a number of domains. Procrastination is a self-regulatory failure, defined as the voluntary delay of an intended course of action despite expecting to be ...

Yan Zhu Hengshu Zhu Qi Liu Enhong Chen Hong Li Hongke Zhao

Procrastination refers to the practice of putting off impending tasks due to the habitual carelessness or laziness. The understanding of procrastination plays an important role in educational psychology, which can help track and evaluate the comprehensive quality of students. However, traditional methods for procrastination analysis largely rely on the knowledge and experiences from domain expe...

Zainudin Abu Bakar Muhammad Umar Khan

Procrastination behaviour is a common phenomenon among people. In educational setting it always related to the student academic performance. Past studies have shown that the tendency of student to procrastinate could affect their academic life. For example, studying in the last minute is a procrastination behaviour committed by the students. This study is conducted to explore the association be...

Bart A. Kamphorst Sanne Nauts Denise T. D. De Ridder Joel H. Anderson

Bedtime procrastination is an important predictor of sleep insufficiency in the general population (Kroese et al., 2014b), but little is known about the determinants of this selfundermining behavior. As the phenomenon has been conceptualized in the literature as a form of self-regulation failure (Kroese et al., 2014a), we hypothesized that people’s selfregulatory resources in the evening would ...

Piers Steel Frode Svartdal Tomas Thundiyil Thomas Brothen

Procrastination is among the most common of motivational failures, putting off despite expecting to be worse off. We examine this dynamic phenomenon in a detailed and realistic longitudinal design (Study 1) as well as in a large correlational data set (N = 7400; Study 2). The results are largely consistent with temporal motivation theory. People’s pacing style reflects a hyperbolic curve, with ...

Carolyn Fischer

A model of time-consistent procrastination is developed to assess the extent to which the observed behavior is compatible with rational behavior. When a finite work requirement must be completed by a deadline, the remaining time for leisure is an exhaustible resource. With a positive rate of time preference, the optimal allocation of this resource results in more hours spent working (and fewer ...

Darrel R. Davis Jason T. Abbitt

This mixed-method pilot study investigated the impact of a custom Short Message Service (SMS) reminder system developed to help students reduce procrastination and increase performance on weekly content-related quizzes in a high-enrollment hybrid online course. Text message reminders were sent to three students with high procrastination and low performance levels on a schedule based on free-ope...

Li Cao

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Taiji Furusawa Edwin L.-C. Lai

We present a theory to explain government procrastination as a consequence of presentbias resulting from the political uncertainty in a two-party political system. We show that under a two-party political system the party in office tends to be present-biased. This may lead to inefficient procrastination of socially beneficial projects that carry upfront costs but yield long-term benefits. Howev...

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