To bridge the gap between the dissimilar mechanisms and entities of the phonological grammar and those of the phonetic mechanisms for producing and perceiving speech, the ‘phonetics-phonology interface’ (PPI) has been invoked. In this brief presentation, an introduction to the ICPhS 2003 Symposium on The Phonetics-Phonology Interface, I present an exegesis and taxonomy of the PPI and some citat...
Although from the beginning of Indo-European studies the Vedic accentual system has been thoroughly investigated and its importance for the reconstruction of Proto Indo-European accent long recognized, the phonetics of Vedic accent have received much less attention. The aim of this paper is to help fill this gap, building on previous work from various grammatical sources, from antiquity to mode...
Methods for the evaluation of evidence in the form of measurements by means of the likelihood ratio are becoming more widespread. There is a paucity of methods for the evaluation of evidence in the form of counts by means of the likelihood ratio. Two suggestions for such methods are described. Examples of their performance are illustrated in the context of a problem in forensic phonetics. There...