Propionicacidaemia is an inborn error of organic acid metabolism in which there is a defect in propionyl-CoA carboxylase activity, and a clinical picture of overwhelming illness very early in life which was originally described as ketotic hyperglycinaemia (Childs et al., 1961; Hommes et al., 1968; Hsia et al., 1970). These patients have large amounts of glycine in their blood and urine. They al...
Ando, Matsuzawa, Thom, and Törnquist have resolved a problem by Sorin Popa constructing an example of Polish group unitary operators with the strong operator topology, whose left right uniform structures coincide, but which does not embed into
We use the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory and Kubo-Ando operator mean to write down a large class of multi-state quantum $f$-divergences prove that they satisfy data processing inequality. For two states, this includes $(\alpha,z)$-R\'enyi divergences, Petz, measures in \cite{matsumoto2015new} as special cases. The method used is interpolation non-commutative $L^p_\omega$ spaces result applies ...
:International Journal of Mathematics2021
The Kubo–Ando theory deals with connections for positive bounded operators. On the other hand, in various analysis related to von Neumann algebras, it is impossible avoid unbounded In this paper, we try extend a notion of cover classes operators (or objects such as forms and weights) appearing naturally setting must keep all expected properties maintained. This generalization carried out follow...
Popular techniques for domain adaptation such as the feature augmentation method of Daumé III (2009) have mostly been considered for sparse binary-valued features, but not for dense realvalued features such as those used in neural networks. In this paper, we describe simple neural extensions of these techniques. First, we propose a natural generalization of the feature augmentation method that ...