نتایج جستجو برای: 141 1 710 giti

تعداد نتایج: 2761110  

Journal: :Astronomy & Astrophysics 2018

S. Chatrchyan V. Khachatryan A. M. Sirunyan A. Tumasyan W. Adam T. Bergauer M. Dragicevic J. Erö C. Fabjan M. Friedl R. Frühwirth V. M. Ghete N. Hörmann J. Hrubec M. Jeitler W. Kiesenhofer V. Knünz M. Krammer I. Krätschmer D. Liko I. Mikulec D. Rabady B. Rahbaran C. Rohringer H. Rohringer R. Schöfbeck J. Strauss A. Taurok W. Treberer-Treberspurg W. Waltenberger C.-E. Wulz V. Mossolov N. Shumeiko J. Suarez Gonzalez S. Alderweireldt M. Bansal S. Bansal T. Cornelis E. A. De Wolf X. Janssen A. Knutsson S. Luyckx L. Mucibello S. Ochesanu B. Roland R. Rougny H. Van Haevermaet P. Van Mechelen N. Van Remortel A. Van Spilbeeck F. Blekman S. Blyweert J. D’Hondt A. Kalogeropoulos J. Keaveney M. Maes A. Olbrechts S. Tavernier W. Van Doninck P. Van Mulders G. P. Van Onsem I. Villella B. Clerbaux G. De Lentdecker A. P. R. Gay T. Hreus A. Léonard P. E. Marage A. Mohammadi T. Reis L. Thomas C. Vander Velde P. Vanlaer J. Wang V. Adler K. Beernaert L. Benucci A. Cimmino S. Costantini S. Dildick G. Garcia B. Klein J. Lellouch A. Marinov J. Mccartin A. A. Ocampo Rios D. Ryckbosch M. Sigamani N. Strobbe F. Thyssen M. Tytgat S. Walsh E. Yazgan N. Zaganidis S. Basegmez G. Bruno R. Castello L. Ceard C. Delaere T. du Pree D. Favart L. Forthomme A. Giammanco J. Hollar V. Lemaitre J. Liao O. Militaru C. Nuttens D. Pagano A. Pin K. Piotrzkowski A. Popov M. Selvaggi J. M. Vizan Garcia N. Beliy T. Caebergs E. Daubie G. H. Hammad G. A. Alves M. Correa Martins Junior T. Martins M. E. Pol M. H. G. Souza W. L. Aldá Júnior W. Carvalho J. Chinellato A. Custódio E. M. Da Costa D. De Jesus Damiao C. De Oliveira Martins S. Fonseca De Souza H. Malbouisson M. Malek D. Matos Figueiredo L. Mundim H. Nogima W. L. Prado Da Silva A. Santoro L. Soares Jorge A. Sznajder E. J. Tonelli Manganote A. Vilela Pereira T. S. Anjos C. A. Bernardes F. A. Dias T. R. Fernandez Perez Tomei E. M. Gregores C. Lagana F. Marinho P. G. Mercadante S. F. Novaes Sandra S. Padula V. Genchev P. Iaydjiev S. Piperov M. Rodozov S. Stoykova G. Sultanov V. Tcholakov R. Trayanov M. Vutova A. Dimitrov R. Hadjiiska V. Kozhuharov L. Litov B. Pavlov P. Petkov J. G. Bian G. M. Chen H. S. Chen C. H. Jiang D. Liang S. Liang X. Meng J. Tao J. Wang X. Wang Z. Wang H. Xiao M. Xu C. Asawatangtrakuldee Y. Ban Y. Guo Q. Li W. Li S. Liu Y. Mao S. J. Qian D. Wang L. Zhang W. Zou C. Avila C. A. Carrillo Montoya J. P. Gomez B. Gomez Moreno J. C. Sanabria N. Godinovic D. Lelas R. Plestina D. Polic I. Puljak Z. Antunovic M. Kovac V. Brigljevic S. Duric K. Kadija J. Luetic D. Mekterovic S. Morovic L. Tikvica A. Attikis G. Mavromanolakis J. Mousa C. Nicolaou F. Ptochos P. A. Razis M. Finger Y. Assran A. Ellithi Kamel M. A. Mahmoud A. Mahrous A. Radi M. Kadastik M. Müntel M. Murumaa M. Raidal L. Rebane A. Tiko P. Eerola G. Fedi M. Voutilainen J. Härkönen V. Karimäki R. Kinnunen M. J. Kortelainen T. Lampén K. Lassila-Perini S. Lehti T. Lindén P. Luukka T. Mäenpää T. Peltola E. Tuominen J. Tuominiemi E. Tuovinen L. Wendland A. Korpela T. Tuuva M. Besancon S. Choudhury F. Couderc M. Dejardin D. Denegri B. Fabbro J. L. Faure F. Ferri S. Ganjour A. Givernaud P. Gras G. Hamel de Monchenault P. Jarry E. Locci J. Malcles L. Millischer A. Nayak J. Rander A. Rosowsky M. Titov S. Baffioni F. Beaudette L. Benhabib L. Bianchini M. Bluj P. Busson C. Charlot N. Daci T. Dahms M. Dalchenko L. Dobrzynski A. Florent R. Granier de Cassagnac M. Haguenauer P. Miné C. Mironov I. N. Naranjo M. Nguyen C. Ochando P. Paganini D. Sabes R. Salerno Y. Sirois C. Veelken A. Zabi J.-L. Agram J. Andrea D. Bloch D. Bodin J.-M. Brom E. C. Chabert C. Collard E. Conte F. Drouhin J.-C. Fontaine D. Gelé U. Goerlach C. Goetzmann P. Juillot A.-C. Le Bihan P. Van Hove S. Beauceron N. Beaupere O. Bondu G. Boudoul S. Brochet J. Chasserat R. Chierici D. Contardo P. Depasse H. El Mamouni J. Fay S. Gascon M. Gouzevitch B. Ille T. Kurca M. Lethuillier L. Mirabito S. Perries L. Sgandurra V. Sordini Y. Tschudi M. Vander Donckt P. Verdier S. Viret Z. Tsamalaidze C. Autermann S. Beranek B. Calpas M. Edelhoff L. Feld N. Heracleous O. Hindrichs K. Klein J. Merz A. Ostapchuk A. Perieanu F. Raupach J. Sammet S. Schael D. Sprenger H. Weber B. Wittmer V. Zhukov M. Ata J. Caudron E. Dietz-Laursonn D. Duchardt M. Erdmann R. Fischer A. Güth T. Hebbeker C. Heidemann K. Hoepfner D. Klingebiel P. Kreuzer M. Merschmeyer A. Meyer M. Olschewski K. Padeken P. Papacz H. Pieta H. Reithler S. A. Schmitz L. Sonnenschein J. Steggemann D. Teyssier S. Thüer M. Weber V. Cherepanov Y. Erdogan G. Flügge H. Geenen M. Geisler W. Haj Ahmad F. Hoehle B. Kargoll T. Kress Y. Kuessel J. Lingemann A. Nowack I. M. Nugent L. Perchalla O. Pooth A. Stahl M. Aldaya Martin I. Asin N. Bartosik J. Behr W. Behrenhoff U. Behrens M. Bergholz A. Bethani K. Borras A. Burgmeier A. Cakir L. Calligaris A. Campbell F. Costanza D. Dammann C. Diez Pardos T. Dorland G. Eckerlin D. Eckstein G. Flucke A. Geiser I. Glushkov P. Gunnellini S. Habib J. Hauk G. Hellwig H. Jung M. Kasemann P. Katsas C. Kleinwort H. Kluge M. Krämer D. Krücker E. Kuznetsova W. Lange J. Leonard K. Lipka W. Lohmann B. Lutz R. Mankel I. Marfin M. Marienfeld I.-A. Melzer-Pellmann A. B. Meyer J. Mnich A. Mussgiller S. Naumann-Emme O. Novgorodova F. Nowak J. Olzem H. Perrey A. Petrukhin D. Pitzl A. Raspereza P. M. Ribeiro Cipriano C. Riedl E. Ron M. Rosin J. Salfeld-Nebgen R. Schmidt T. Schoerner-Sadenius N. Sen M. Stein R. Walsh C. Wissing V. Blobel H. Enderle J. Erfle U. Gebbert M. Görner M. Gosselink J. Haller K. Heine R. S. Höing K. Kaschube G. Kaussen H. Kirschenmann R. Klanner J. Lange T. Peiffer N. Pietsch D. Rathjens C. Sander H. Schettler P. Schleper E. Schlieckau A. Schmidt T. Schum M. Seidel J. Sibille V. Sola H. Stadie G. Steinbrück J. Thomsen L. Vanelderen C. Barth C. Baus J. Berger C. Böser T. Chwalek W. De Boer A. Descroix A. Dierlamm M. Feindt M. Guthoff C. Hackstein F. Hartmann

A search for a standard-model-like Higgs boson in the H→WW and H→ZZ decay channels is reported, for Higgs boson masses in the range 145<mH<1000 GeV. The search is based upon proton-proton collision data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 5.1 fb-1 at [Formula: see text] and up to 5.3 fb-1 at [Formula: see text], recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The combined uppe...

Journal: :Clinical microbiology reviews 1996
M Clementi S Menzo P Bagnarelli A Valenza S Paolucci R Sampaolesi A Manzin P E Varaldo

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................135 ROLE OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS................................................................................................................135 Emerging Features of HIV-1 Infection and Consequent Diagnostic Aspects..................

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Members of the genus Anaplasma are important emerging tick-borne pathogens in both humans and animals in tropical and subtropical areas. Here, we investigated the presence of Anaplasma spp. in 621 sheep and 710 goats from six provinces of China. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing were conducted to determine the prevalence of Anaplasma (A.) phagocytophilum, A. ovis and A. bovis t...

Jose Aleman

The literature on labor politics explains cooperation among unions, employers and state representatives in new democracies as a function of alliances between politically infl uential unions and left governments. This article introduces an original dataset of labor agreements in new democracies (1994–2004). Using Boolean analysis, it shows that while left governments are typically associated wit...

Valentine Kabanets

Classically, a computation operates on a string of bits, applying a sequence of physically realizable operations (such as logical NOT, AND, and OR), and outputs an answer based on the value of the last obtained bit string. Similarly, a quantum computation operates on a register consisting of a number of quantum bits (qubits), applying a sequence of (hypothetically) physically realizable quantum...

Valentine Kabanets

Do we have non-relativizing techniques? Yes, we do! In fact, already the proof of the CookLevin theorem is non-black-box: to reduce the computation of a nondeterministic TM on a given input x to a 3-cnf φx, we had to “open up” the TM and look inside at the sequence of configurations the TM goes through, and moreover, exploit a very special property of a TM computation: that the computation is l...

Journal: :JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2011

Ali Guermazi Jingbo Niu Daichi Hayashi Frank W Roemer Martin Englund Tuhina Neogi Piran Aliabadi Christine E McLennan David T Felson

OBJECTIVE To examine use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of knees with no radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis to determine the prevalence of structural lesions associated with osteoarthritis and their relation to age, sex, and obesity. DESIGN Population based observational study. SETTING Community cohort in Framingham, MA, United States (Framingham osteoarthritis study). PARTICIPA...

Izabela Gierach Jingjing Li Wan-Yi Wu Gary J. Grover David W. Wood

Subtype-selective thyromimetics have potential as new pharmaceuticals for the prevention or treatment of heart disease, high LDL cholesterol and obesity, but there are only a few methods that can detect agonistic behavior of TR-active compounds. Among these are the rat pituitary GH3 cell assay and transcriptional activation assays in engineered yeast and mammalian cells. We report the construct...

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