نتایج جستجو برای: è

تعداد نتایج: 2497  

Mahtab Alimohammadi Malayeri Mohammad Hossein Ramezankiaei

Trai poeti italiani contemporanei tradotti in persiano, compare Alda Merini. Merini e` molto celebre perche`  le sue poesie conduce i lettori alla conoscenzadi un aspetto mondiale della lettteratura. Lo studio presente è dedicato a lei, perché Alda è una donna a cui la poesia ha fatto grande dono di sé e che ha dimostrato con le sue opere un grande impegno intellettuale nella condanna delle ist...

Journal: :IxD&A 2009
Stefano Penge Maurizio Mazzoneschi Vito Modena

E' ormai pratica diffusa, nello sviluppo di applicazioni web, l'utilizzo di template e di potenti template engine per automatizzare la generazione dei contenuti da presentare all'utente. Tuttavia a volte la potenza di tali engine è ottenuta mescolando logica e interfaccia, introducendo linguaggi diversi da quelli di descrizione della pagina, o addirittura inventando nuovi linguaggi dedicati. AR...

Journal: :Quaderni di Sociologia 2012

Journal: :Cadernos de Tradução 2014


We estimate the luminosity function of Ðeld galaxies over a range of 10 mag for ([22 \ M BJ \ [12 km s~1 Mpc~1) by counting the number of faint APM galaxies around Stromlo-APM redshift H 0 \ 100 survey galaxies at known distance. The faint end of the luminosity function rises steeply at M BJ B [15, implying that the space density of dwarf galaxies is at least 2 times larger than predicted by a ...


Mechanisms for the deposition of heat in the lower coronal plasma are discussed, emphasizing recent attempts to reconcile the Ñuid and kinetic perspectives. Structures at magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scales may drive a nonlinear cascade, preferentially exciting high perpendicular wavenumber Ñuctuations. Relevant dissipative kinetic processes must be identiÐed that can absorb the associated energy ...

C. A. M. L. K S. M R. G M. S. L

Redshifted absorption proÐles that resemble the high-velocity circumstellar gas features in the spectrum of b Pictoris have been detected in IUE data for the 10 Myr old Herbig Be star, HD 100546, on 1995 March 7. In addition to Mg II, Si II, and other refractory species similar to those seen in b Pic, the HD 100546 spectra are rich in accreting gas proÐles from neutral atomic gas, including C I...

P. C

We derive hydrostatic, radiative equilibrium models for passive disks surrounding T Tauri stars. Each disk is encased by an optically thin layer of superheated dust grains. This layer reemits directly to space about half the stellar energy it absorbs. The other half is emitted inward and regulates the interior temperature of the disk. The heated disk Ñares. As a consequence, it absorbs more ste...


We have investigated a relativistic jet injected into an oblique magnetic Ðeld in a slab geometry using a newly developed relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation code. The simulation code employs a simpliÐed total variation diminishing method. We compare the nonrelativistic and relativistic jets to Ðnd the relativistic e†ects when the jet propagates across the oblique magnetic Ðeld. Numeric...

Journal: :Storicamente 2005

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