نتایج جستجو برای: unital quantale

تعداد نتایج: 1601  

We introduce a quantale-valued generalization of approach spaces in terms of quantale-valued gauges. The resulting category is shown to be topological and to possess an initially dense object. Moreover we show that the category of quantale-valued approach spaces defined recently in terms of quantale-valued closures is a coreflective subcategory of our category and, for certain choices of the qu...

G. Jäger

We define and study a quantale-valued Wijsman structure on the hyperspace of all non-empty closed sets of a quantale-valued metric space. We show its admissibility and that the metrical coreflection coincides with the quantale-valued Hausdorff metric and that, for a metric space, the topological coreflection coincides with the classical Wijsman topology. We further define an index of compactnes...

Alessandra Palmigiano Riccardo Re

We introduce and present results about a class of quantales, the topological relational quantales, that can be associated with tuples (X,R) such that X is a topological space and R is a lower-semicontinuous equivalence relation on X (see Definition 1 below). Our motivating case studies and examples of topological relational quantales include concrete quantales such as the relational quantales o...

Journal: :Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2020

Journal: :Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2018

Journal: :Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2011
Ulrich Höhle Tomasz Kubiak

In fuzzy set theory non-idempotency arises when the conjunction is interpreted by arbitrary t-norms. There are many instances in mathematics where set theory ought to be non-commutative and/or non-idempotent. The purpose of this paper is to combine both ideas and to present a theory of non-commutative and non-idempotent quantale sets (among other things, standard concepts like fuzzy preorders a...

Journal: :Applied Categorical Structures 2021

Taking advantage of the quantale-theoretic description \'etale groupoids we study principal bundles, Hilsum-Skandalis maps, and Morita equivalence in terms modules on inverse quantal frames. The Hilbert module quantale sheaves leads naturally to a formulation bimodules that resemble imprimitivity C*-algebras.

Koki Nishizawa Hitoshi Furusawa

(Q,≦,∨) is a complete join semilattice (Q,・,e) is a monoid (∨S)・a=∨{b・a | b∈S} for a∈Q, S⊆Q a・(∨S)=∨{a・b | b∈S} for a∈Q, S⊆Q 2 Background: An Example of Quantale (Rel(A),≦,∨,・,e) is a quantale where Rel(A) is the set of all binary relations on A ≦ is the inclusion ∨ is the union ・ is the composition Q・R={ (a,c) | ∃b. (a,b)∈Q, (b,c)∈R } e is the identity relation 3 Our Goal: Relational Represent...

Jan Paseka Radek Šlesinger

The topic of sets with fuzzy order relations valuated in complete lattices with additional structure has been quite active in the recent decade, and a number of papers have been published (see [3, 5, 6] among many others). Based on a quantale-valued order relation and subset membership, counterparts to common order-theoretic notions can be defined, like monotone mappings, adjunctions, joins and...

Journal: :Math. Log. Q. 1994
Silvio Valentini

In this paper we prove that any quantale Q is (isomorphic to) a quantale of suitable relations on Q. As a consequence two isomorphism theorems are also shown with suitable sets of functions of Q into Q. These theorems are the mathematical background one needs in order to give natural and complete semantics for (non-commutative) Linear Logic using relations. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classificati...

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