نتایج جستجو برای: th and u
تعداد نتایج: 16863500 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
M?c tiêu: Mô t? các ??c ?i?m lâm sàng, c?n sàng tr??c và trong ph?u thu?t, k?t qu? h?u ph?u, bi?n ch?ng chung t? vong s?m vi?n. Ph??ng pháp: H?i c?u, mô lo?t ca không ??i ch?ng. K?t qu?: 141 tr??ng h?p nghiên c?u có tu?i trung bình là 59,8 ±8,3 tu?i, 83% <70 Nam chi?m 81,6%, B?nh n?i khoa y?u t? nguy c? th??ng g?p t?ng huy?t áp 79,4%, r?i lo?n lipid máu 39%, ?ái tháo ???ng 29,1%, gi?m ch?c n...
T he defin itio n o f ia tro gen ic d isease su p p lie d b y O. H . P e rry P e p p e r m akes u se o f th e G reek ia tros (physician) an d genesis, s ig n ify ing o rig in .31 In itia lly re ferring to a d isease in d u c e d by a p h y si cian, th e te rm is freq u en tly u se d in re la tio n to im ag in ed a ilm en ts .45 E v e n th e m ost co n sc ien tio u s p h ysic ian adm in is ...
N ucleic a c id m etabolism of th e b r in e shrim p, Artem ia s a l i n a , has been th e s u b je c t o f r e c e n t in v e s t ig a t io n a t th e Oak Ridge N a tio n a l L a b o ra to r ie s (U .S .A .) t o determ ine th e source o f n u c le ic a c id p u rin e s r e l a t i v e t o th e c e l l u l a r n u c le o tid e p oo ls d u rin g developm ent. As a seq u e l t o t h i s work, and...
th at d o cu m en t). In th is case, the text abo v e th e low er pan el s h ow s that the p hr as e fo res t pr o d u cts app ear s in 72 p hr as es (the f irs t ten are s h ow n) , in 3 82 d o cu m ents. Th e f ir s t ten o f th es e are av ailable too , tho u g h th e lis t m u s t b e s cr o lled d o wn to m ak e th em ap p ear in th e v is ible par t of th e p an el. F igu r e 4 s h o ws t...
M?c tiêu: ?ánh giá ??c ?i?m lâm sàng, c?n k?t qu? ?i?u tr? và m?t s? y?u t? tiên l??ng c?a ung th? bi?u mô t? bào sáng bu?ng tr?ng. ??i t??ng ph??ng pháp nghiên c?u: Nghiên c?u t? h?i h?p v?i ti?n c?u. B?nh nhân (BN) ???c ch?n ?oán tr?ng giai ?o?n I-III t? 1/2015 ??n 6/2021 t?i b?nh vi?n K ghi nh?n các tri?u ch?ng tr?, ?ánh th?i gian s?ng thêm liên quan. K?t qu?: th?c hi?n trên 29 nhân. Tu?i tr...
The effects of crystal-plasticity on the U-Th-Pb system in zircon is studied by quantitative microstructural and microchemical analysis of a large zircon grain collected from pyroxenite of the Lewisian Complex, Scotland. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping reveals a c.18 degree variation in crystallographic orientation that comprises both a gradual change in orientation and a series...
The redox-sensitive geochemical behavior of uranium permits the use of Th/U ratios as a geochemical proxy for the oxidation state of the atmosphere and oceans during sedimentary processes. Due to the effects of post-depositional uranium mobility on Th/U ratios during events involving oxygenated fluids, direct measurements of Th/U ratios are often misleading, but the whole rock Pb isotope compos...
The Th/U/U age dating of corals via alpha counting or mass spectrometry has significantly contributed to our understanding of sea level, radiocarbon calibration, rates of ocean and climate change, and timing of El Nino, among many applications. Age dating of corals by mass spectrometry is remarkably precise, but many samples exposed to freshwater yield inaccurate ages. The first indication of o...
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