λx.S ◦A instead of λx.(A[S]) S ◦ λx.A instead of (λx.A)[S] λx.S2 ◦ S1 ◦ A instead of λx.(A[S1][S2]) S2 ◦ λx.S1 ◦ A instead of (λx.A[S1])[S2] S2 ◦ S1 ◦ λx.A instead of (λx.A)[S1][S2] And so on. Far fewer parentheses. And very close to notation of category theory. If we have composition of substitutions (not in my calculus), then λx.(S2 ◦ S1) ◦ A means λx.(A[S1 ◦ S2]) From the point of view of ca...
We present new results regarding S2-paracompactness, that we estab-lished in [1], and its relation with other properties such as S-normality, epinormality L-paracompactness.
A class of algebras is introduced that includes the unital Banach algebras over the complex numbers. Commutator results are proved for such algebras and used to establish spectral properties of certain elements of Banach algebras. 1. Introduction. In this note, we introduce a condition on an algebra motivated by the situation in which Schur's lemma [S1] is applicable. We say that algebras satis...