نتایج جستجو برای: ijarah wa iqtina and wakalah

تعداد نتایج: 16828705  

Journal: :El-Mujtama 2023

Indonesia as a state of law based on Pancasila and the constitution Republic year 1945, is country with majority Muslim population, which makes Islam dominant in governing its people every line life It includes teachings truth, honesty, justice that person enforcement must possess. Advocate one professions have dedicated itself to interests community contributed establishment truth. so advocate...

Journal: :Media Syari'ah: Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial 2022

The existence of sharia bukan-bank financial institutions (NBFI) today is very important and one form financing al-Ijarah al-Muntahiyah Bi al-Tamlik (IMBT), which a lease agreement (ijarah) with the transfer ownership object that used as in when IMBT contract ends based on wa’ad (promise). This research normative juridical Fatwa National Sharia Council through analysis Islamic Civil law. nature...

Journal: :At-Tawassuth 2022

<p>Akad <em>Murabahah Bil Wakalah</em> adalah akad yang paling dominan digunakan oleh produk pembiayaan otomotif, hal ini dikarenakan penerapan tersebut lebih memudahkan pihak bank sekaligus nasabah dalam melakukan jual beli. Penelitian menggunakan kajian kualitatif dengan pustaka, bersifat deskriptif analitik dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan cara telaah pustaka. Adapun tujua...

Journal: :Widya Balina: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ekonomi 2021

This study aims to explain the application of ijarah Muntamlik (IMBT) financing BMT Gumarang Akbar Ampenan Syariah as one Islamic financial institutions that has products based on IMBT contract, and implements its strategy in accordance with sharia principles provisions apply Indonesia, namely DSN-MUI Fatwa No.27/DSN-MUI/III/2000 concerning Ijarah. The results this indicate implementation is mo...

Journal: :Jurnal Perbankan Syariah Darussalam 2021

This study aims to find out 1) How is the analysis of determination case hajj funding financing at BMT UGT Sidogiri Glenmore?, 2) What Islamic Economic perspective on ujroh in bailout fund Glenmore?This type research uses field research, with a descriptive qualitative approach, and data collection technique used direct interview technique. The conclusion from results this related ujrah which ac...

Journal: :Al-Qisthu 2022

This study is intended to examine the fatwa of National Sharia Council Indonesian Ulema (DSN-MUI) regarding Fundraising under Wakalah bi al-Istismar Agreement which provides greater opportunities for Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia raising and managing capital. uses a document approach by using DSN-MUI Number 152 2022 as main source, analyzed qualitative approach. shows that has pro...

Journal: :International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching 2019

Yurie Hara

Following the structure meaning approach (c.f. [3,4]), I argued in [5] that the prosodic peak of Contrastive-marking creates a partition of the asserted proposition into B (background) and F (Focus). The morphological wa-marking then introduces the Con operator that takes the structured meaning as its argument and yields a conventional implicature. The Contrastive-marked sentence presupposes th...

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