نتایج جستجو برای: eucalyptus

تعداد نتایج: 7621  

Journal: :Advanced pharmaceutical bulletin 2013
Paniz Sajjadi Mohammad Javad Khodayar Behzad Sharif Makhmalzadeh Saeed Rezaee

PURPOSE This study was conducted to assess the effect of skin pre-treatment with Transcutol(®) and eucalyptus oil on systemic absorption of topical trolamine salicylate in rat. METHODS Pharmacokinetic parameters of salicylic acid following administration of trolamine salicylate on rat skin pre-treated with either Transcutol(®) or eucalyptus oil were determined using both non-compartmental and...

Mahmoud Elhariri Dalia Hamza Rehab Elhelw Mohamed Refai

In Egypt, the River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) is a well-known tree and is highly appreciated by the rural and urban dwellers. The role of Eucalyptus trees in the ecology of Cryptococcus neoformans is documented worldwide. The aim of this survey was to show the prevalence of C. neoformans during the flowering season of E. camaldulensis at the Delta region in Egypt. Three hundred and ele...

P.W. Crous M.J. Wingfield T.I. Burgess A.J. Carnegie G.E.St.J. Hardy D. Smith B.A. Summerell J.F. Cano-Lira J. Guarro J. Houbraken L. Lombard M.P. Martín M. Sandoval-Denis A.V. Alexandrova C.W. Barnes I.G. Baseia J.D.P. Bezerra V. Guarnaccia T.W. May M. Hernández-Restrepo A.M. Stchigel A.N. Miller M.E. Ordoñez V.P. Abreu T. Accioly C. Agnello A. Agustin Colmán C.C. Albuquerque D.S. Alfredo P. Alvarado G.R. Araújo-Magalhães S. Arauzo T. Atkinson A. Barili R.W. Barreto J.L. Bezerra T.S. Cabral F. Camello Rodríguez R.H.S.F. Cruz P.P. Daniëls B.D.B. da Silva D.A.C. de Almeida A.A. de Carvalho Júnior C.A. Decock L. Delgat S. Denman R.A. Dimitrov J. Edwards A.G. Fedosova R.J. Ferreira A.L. Firmino J.A. Flores D. García J. Gené A. Giraldo J.S. Góis A.A.M. Gomes C.M. Gonçalves D.E. Gouliamova M. Groenewald B.V. Guéorguiev M. Guevara-Suarez L.F.P. Gusmão K. Hosaka V. Hubka S.M. Huhndorf M. Jadan Ž. Jurjević B. Kraak V. Kučera T.K.A. Kumar I. Kušan S.R. Lacerda S. Lamlertthon W.S. Lisboa M. Loizides J.J. Luangsa-ard P. Lysková W.P. Mac Cormack D.M. Macedo A.R. Machado E.F. Malysheva P. Marinho N. Matočec M. Meijer A. Mešić S. Mongkolsamrit K.A. Moreira O.V. Morozova K.U. Nair N. Nakamura W. Noisripoom I. Olariaga R.J.V. Oliveira L.M. Paiva P. Pawar O.L. Pereira S.W. Peterson M. Prieto E. Rodríguez-Andrade C. Rojo De Blas M. Roy E.S. Santos R. Sharma G.A. Silva C.M. Souza-Motta Y. Takeuchi-Kaneko C. Tanaka A. Thakur M.Th. Smith Z. Tkalčec N. Valenzuela-Lopez P. van der Kleij A. Verbeken M.G. Viana X.W. Wang J.Z. Groenewald Marcelino G. Viana Everaldo S. Santos Cynthia C. Albuquerque Jadson D.P. Bezerra Laura M. Paiva Vit Hubka Željko Jurjević Stephen W. Peterson Pavlína Lysková Ernesto Rodríguez-Andrade Alberto M. Stchigel José F. Cano-Lira Josep Guarro Walter P. Mac Cormack Dilnora E. Gouliamova Roumen A. Dimitrov Borislav V. Guéorguiev Maudy Th. Smith Marizeth Groenewald Nicomedes Valenzuela-Lopez Maria E. Ordoñez Alessio Barili Charles W. Barnes Rhudson H.S.F. Cruz Jefferson S. Góis Paulo Marinho Iuri G. Baseia Olga V. Morozova Alina V. Alexandrova Jorge A. Flores Renato J. Ferreira Thiago Accioly Sirleis R. Lacerda María P. Martín Noritaka Nakamura Chihiro Tanaka Yuko Takeuchi-Kaneko Viktor Kučera Anna G. Fedosova Sabino Arauzo T.K. Arun Kumar Ibai Olariaga María Prieto Andrew N. Miller Toni Atkinson Sabine M. Huhndorf Donis S. Alfredo Davi A.C. de Almeida Luís F.P. Gusmão Tiara S. Cabral Bianca D.B. da Silva Kentaro Hosaka Rohit Sharma Amey Thakur Prafull Pawar Karthik U. Nair Jos Houbraken Lorenzo Lombard Pim van der Kleij Marcela Guevara-Suarez Dania García Josep F. Cano-Lira Josepa Gené Gianne R. Araújo-Magalhães Keil A. Moreira Alexandr R. Machado Cristina M. Souza-Motta Suchada Mongkolsamrit Wasana Noisripoom Janet Jennifer Luangsa-ard Supaporn Lamlertthon Willyane S. Lisboa Rober W. Barreto Davi M. Macedo Rafael J.V. Oliveira Camila M. Gonçalves Gladston A. Silva José L. Bezerra Neven Matočec Ivana Kušan Margita Jadan Zdenko Tkalčec Armin Mešić Pablo P. Daniëls Carlos Rojo De Blas Francisco Camello Rodríguez Michael Loizides Carlo Agnello Pablo Alvarado Anibal A. de Carvalho Adans Agustin Colmán Bart Kraak Martin Meijer Ekaterin F. Malysheva Pedro W. Crous Johanne Z. Groenewald Vladimiro Guarnaccia Lynn Delgat Annemieke Verbeken Mélanie Roy Vanessa P. Abreu Andé A.M. Gomes Olint L. Pereira André L. Firmino Michael J. Wingfield David Smith Jacqueline Edwards Treena I. Burgess Gile E.St.J. Hardy Brett A. Summerell Angus J. Carnegie Cony A. Decock Tom W. May Michae J. Wingfield Bret A. Summerell Angu J. Carnegie Sandra Denman Marcelo Sandoval-Denis Margarita Hernández-Restrepo Alejandra Giraldo X.W. Wang

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica: Cadophora antarctica from soil. Australia: Alfaria dandenongensis on Cyperaceae, Amphosoma persooniae on Persoonia sp., Anungitea nullicana on Eucalyptus sp., Bagadiella eucalypti on Eucalyptus globulus, Castanediella eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus sp., Cercospora dianellicola on Dianella sp...


The application of Cd inhibited the development of mycelia of the saprobe fungi Fusarium concolor and Trichoderma koningii and the hyphal length of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae and G. deserticola in vitro. The application to soil of 25 and 50 mg l–1 of Cd decreased the shoot dry weight, the percentage of AM root length colonization and the succinate dehydrogenase activity of ...

Mathish Nambiar-Veetil Manoharan Sangeetha K S Sowmiya Rani V Aravinthakumar R K Selvakesavan Aiyar Balasubramanian R Venkatachalam Abraham Sanu Mary John Prasanth Jacob N Krishna Kumar

Background Eucalyptus is grown in around 3.9 Mha in India. Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) has emerged as a serious pest in Eucalyptus causing considerable loss of quality planting materials besides loss in productivity and quality of timber. Current strategies for its control include selected deployment of Eucalyptus clones tolerant to the pest resulting in several...

George Meskimen

A small but intense eucalyptus research effort began in Florida in 1961 with the private, nonprofit Florida Forests Foundation dedicated to investigating the commercial forestry potential of exotic hardwoods in south Florida. By 1965 we had established numerous eucalyptus experiments, including 14 screening trials testing a total of 156 seed sources representing 67 eucalyptus spe­ cies. The Fou...

N. Nagpal G. Shah

Eucalyptus is a diverse genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. Different chemical constituents such as Sideroxylonal C, (+)-oleuropeic acid, cypellocarpins A, B and C, cypellogins A, B and C, Leptospermone, Isoleptospermone, grandinol, various essential oils and many others have been isolated from plants of eucalyptus genus. Various eucalyptus species have been rep...

F Sefidkon M.H Assareh M.M Barazandeh Z Abravesh

The leaves of four cultivated Eucalyptus species, Eucalyptus microtheca var. Microtheca F. Muell., Eucalyptus spathulata, Eucalyptus largiflorens and Eucalyptus torquata were collected in spring from Kashan and Isfahan provinces (central region of Iran). After drying the plant materials in shade, their essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. The oils were analyzed by capillary gas c...

Journal: :Mycological research 2003
Aaron Maxwell Bernie Dell Heike G Neumeister-Kemp Giles E St J Hardy

Mycosphaerella ambiphylla sp. nov. (anamorph: Phaeophleospora) and Mycosphaerella aurantia sp. nov., are described from diseased Eucalyptus globulus leaves. In addition, a new fungal record in Australia, M. mexicana, and two new records for Western Australia, M. gregaria and M. parva, are discussed. A key is provided to Mycosphaerella species on E. globulus in Western Australia.

P.W. Crous M.J. Wingfield T.I. Burgess G.E.St.J. Hardy C. Crane S. Barrett J.F. Cano-Lira J.J. Le Roux R. Thangavel J. Guarro A.M. Stchigel M.P. Martín D.S. Alfredo P.A. Barber R.W. Barreto I.G. Baseia J. Cano-Canals R. Cheewangkoon R.J. Ferreira J. Gené C. Lechat G. Moreno F. Roets R.G. Shivas J.O. Sousa Y.P. Tan N.P. Wiederhold S.E. Abell T. Accioly J.L. Albizu J.L. Alves Z.I. Antoniolli N. Aplin J. Araújo M. Arzanlou J.D.P. Bezerra J.-P. Bouchara J.R. Carlavilla A. Castillo V.L. Castroagudín P.C. Ceresini G.F. Claridge G. Coelho V.R.M. Coimbra L.A. Costa K.C. da Cunha S.S. da Silva R. Daniel Z.W. de Beer M. Dueñas J. Edwards P. Enwistle P.O. Fiuza J. Fournier D. García T.B. Gibertoni S. Giraud M. Guevara-Suarez L.F.P. Gusmão S. Haituk M. Heykoop Y. Hirooka T.A. Hofmann J. Houbraken D.P. Hughes I. Kautmanová O. Koppel O. Koukol E. Larsson K.P.D. Latha D.H. Lee D.O. Lisboa W.S. Lisboa Á. López-Villalba J.L.N. Maciel P. Manimohan J.L. Manjón S. Marincowitz T.S. Marney M. Meijer A.N. Miller I. Olariaga L.M. Paiva M. Piepenbring J.C. Poveda-Molero K.N.A. Raj H.A. Raja A. Rougeron I. Salcedo R. Samadi T.A.B. Santos K. Scarlett K.A. Seifert L.A. Shuttleworth G.A. Silva M. Silva J.P.Z. Siqueira C.M. Souza-Motta S.L. Stephenson D.A. Sutton N. Tamakeaw M.T. Telleria N. Valenzuela-Lopez A. Viljoen C.M. Visagie A. Vizzini F. Wartchow B.D. Wingfield E. Yurchenko J.C. Zamora J.Z. Groenewald Koppel Olga Cobus M. Visagie Keith A. Seifert Hirooka Yuuri Luís F.P. Gusmão Silvana S. da Silva Patrícia O. Fiuza Loise A. Costa Tiago A.B. Santos Gabriel Moreno Ángela López-Villalba Aurelio Castillo Steven L. Stephenson Thiago Accioly Julieth O. Sousa Iuri G. Baseia María P. Martín Donis S. Alfredo Renato J. Ferreira Iuri G. Baseia Lucas Shuttleworth Rosalie Daniel Kelly Scarlett Peter Entwistle Ibai Olariaga Isabel Salcedo José Luis Albizu Ivona Kautmanová Willyane S. Lisboa Meiriele Silva Robert W. Barreto Daniela O. Lisboa Janaina L. Alves K.N. Anil Raj K.P. Deepna Latha Patinjareveettil Manimohan Juan Ramón Carlavilla Michel Heykoop José Luis Manjón Alfredo Vizzini DongHyeon Lee Brenda D. Wingfield Michael J. Wingfield Seonju Marincowitz Z. Wilhelm de Beer Gilberto Coelho Zaida Inês Antoniolli Eugene Yurchenko Jos Houbraken Martin Meijer Mahdi Arzanlou Rosita Samadi Nicomedes Valenzuela-Lopez Alberto M. Stchigel Josep Guarro José F. Cano-Lira Julia Cano-Canals Gordon F. Claridge Roger G. Shivas Yu Pei Tan João Araújo David P. Hughes Marcela Guevara-Suarez Josepa Gené Keith C. da Cunha Nathan P. Wiederhold Deanna A. Sutton Nathan Wiederhold Amandine Rougeron Sandrine Giraud Jean-Philippe Bouchara Ondřej Koukol Meike Piepenbring Tina Antje Hofmann Roger G. Shivas Thomas S. Marney Yu Pei Tan Sandra E. Abell Jadson D.P. Bezerra Laura M. Paiva Gladstone A. Silva Cristina M. Souza-Motta Pedro W. Crous Margarita Dueñas M. Teresa Telleria María P. Martín Victor R.M. Coimbra Tatiana B. Gibertoni Ellen Larsson Felipe Wartchow Juan Carlos Zamora Juan Carlos Poveda-Molero Andrew N. Miller Jacques Fournier Huzefa A. Raja Christian Lechat Christian Lechat Nick Aplin João Paulo Zen Siqueira Dania García Pedro W. Crous Johannes Z. Groenewald Raja Thangavel Michael J. Wingfield Treena I. Burgess Giles E.St.J. Hardy Johannes J. Le Roux Francois Roets Colin Crane Sarah Barrett Raja Thangavel Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Jacqueline Edwards Paul A. Barber Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Sukanya Haituk Nisachon Tamakeaw Altus Viljoen Vanina L. Castroagudín Paulo C. Ceresini João L.N. Maciel

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xant...

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