نتایج جستجو برای: centralizer

تعداد نتایج: 675  

Journal: :Applied Categorical Structures 2006
Lars Kadison

A depth two extension A | B is shown to be weak depth two over its double centralizer V A (V A (B)) if this is separable over B. We introduce a notion of codepth two coalgebra homomorphism g : C → D, dual to a depth two algebra homomorphism. It is shown that the endomorphism ring of bicomodule endomorphisms End D C D forms a right bialgebroid over the centralizer subalgebra g * : D * → C * of t...

S. V. Ivanov S. V. IVANOV

The following basic results on infinite locally finite subgroups of a free m-generŽ . 48 ator Burnside group B m, n of even exponent n, where m ) 1 and n G 2 , n is divisible by 29, are obtained: A clear complete description of all infinite groups that Ž . Ž . are embeddable in B m, n as maximal locally finite subgroups is given. Any Ž . infinite locally finite subgroup L of B m, n is contained...

Zajj Daugherty

Diagram algebras (e.g. graded braid groups, Hecke algebras, Brauer algebras) arise as tensor power centralizer algebras, algebras of commuting operators for a Lie algebra action on a tensor space. This work explores centralizers of the action of a complex reductive Lie algebra g on tensor space of the form M ⊗ N ⊗ V ⊗k. We define the degenerate two-boundary braid group Gk and show that centrali...


Brauer's centralizer algebras are finite dimensional algebras with a distinguished basis. Each Brauer centralizer algebra contains the group algebra of a symmetric group as a subalgebra and the distinguished basis of the Brauer algebra contains the permutations as a subset. In view of this containment it is desirable to generalize as many known facts concerning the group algebra of the symmetri...

J. de Gier

We give an exact spectral equivalence between the quantum group invariant XXZ chain with arbitrary left boundary term and the same XXZ chain with purely diagonal boundary terms. This equivalence, and a further one with a link pattern Hamiltonian, can be understood as arising from different representations of the one-boundary Temperley-Lieb algebra. For a system of size L these representations a...


Let X be a non-degenerate left Banach module over a normed algebra A having a bounded approximate left identity. We show that, if A is a left ideal of a larger algebra, then this representation can be extended to a representation of the larger algebra. Based on this result, we study in detail the existence and properties of representations of the various centralizer algebras of A which are comp...


In Section 2, after giving the basic definitions and some elementary consequences, we introduce two fundamental algebraic structures associated with a coherent configuration, namely, the boolean algebra of admissable relations and the adjacency ring. The action of a group on a finite set induces the structure of a coherent configuration in the set, and in this situations, which we refer to as t...

Journal: :Journal of Algebra 2011

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 2011
l. mousavi

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