We redefine the Baum-Connes assembly map using simplicial approximation in the equivariant Kasparov category. This new interpretation is ideal for studying functorial properties and gives analogues of the assembly maps for all equivariant homology theories, not just for the K-theory of the crossed product. We extend many of the known techniques for proving the Baum-Connes conjecture to this mor...
Dimitri KanevskyDaniel PoveyBhuvana RamabhadranTara N. Sainath
The discrimination technique for estimating parameters of Gaussian mixtures that is based on the Extended Baum-Welch transformations (EBW) has had significant impact on the speech recognition community. In this paper we introduce a general definition of a family of EBW transformations that can be associated with a weighted sum of updated and initial models. We compute a gradient steepness measu...
Carlheinz Gräter, Der Wald Immergrün. Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte von Baum und Strauch, Leinfelden-Echterdingen (DRW-Verl. Weinbrenner) 1996. 111 S., zahlr. Abb.