نتایج جستجو برای: talks amid stories

تعداد نتایج: 30106  

Journal: :بحوث فی اللغه العربیه 0
حسین کیانی سید فضل الله میرقادری دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه شیراز

â  â  ibn al-amid’s poetry â â â â â  s.f. mirghaderi * â  hossein kiani** â  â  abstract â  ibn al-amid is one of the most distinguished writers of the arabic literature who is believed, even by his contemporary critics, to be at the top of his profession due to the unique characteristics of his writings. besides being a writer, ibn al-amid also had a taste in composing poems. his poems are ...

Journal: :Blood 1957

TITl)\ (JI’ ‘FIlE antigemiic structure of leukocytes amid detectiomi of “leukoagglut inimis’ ‘ have comicermied invest igat ors in immumiology amid hematology for many years. 1 ecemitly, reports of “leukoagglut.inins” iii various pathologic comiditions have appeared in rapidly increasimig miumbers, as reviewed by Dausset..’ Various serologic techmiics have been emiiployed, both in the detectiom...

Journal: :Nature Reviews Cancer 2005

Journal: :Blood 1952

By GUSTAVE FREEMAN, M.D. J (i)RPES,1 iii his momiograph on hepam’in, reviewed various polysacchiark!es in the light of their amiticoagulamit activities. TiThese polymers are of both biologic amid synthetic origin. None of the miat-urally occurring anticoagulant polysaccharides, other thami heparimi, are kmiown to existimi the blood of man. However, the possible effect of polysaccharid!es arisin...

Journal: :Academic Medicine 1994

Journal: :CoRR 2017
R. Inkulu K. Sowmya

We devise dynamic algorithms for the following (weak) visibility polygon computation problems: • Maintaining visibility polygon of a fixed point located interior to simple polygon amid vertex insertions and deletions to simple polygon. • Answering visibility polygon query corresponding to any point located exterior to simple polygon amid vertex insertions and deletions to simple polygon. • Main...

Journal: :Nature 1985

Journal: :Nephrology 2021

M Arnold--Chamney, S Bateman, K Owen, Jesudason, McDonald, O Pearson, N Sinclair, I Williamson, O, Donnell K, J Kelly

Journal: :Blood 1955

PLEXIC ASPIRATION BIOPSY is a technic of established value in L clinical medicimie.’3 Moeschlin has published an excellent amid comprehemisive discussiomi of these techmiics, amid of normal amid pathologic spbemiic cytology with clinical imiterpretations.3 Because of the great imiterest recently iii experimental studies of the physiologic and pathologic functions of the spleemi, it seemed to be...

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