The high cost of supercomputers and the need for large-scale computational resources has led to the development of network of computational resources known as Grid. To better use tremendous capabilities of this large scale distributed system, effective and efficient scheduling algorithms are needed. Many such algorithms have been designed and implemented. We introduce a new scheduling algorithm...
In power generation and other production settings, technological constraints force restrictions on the number of time-periods that a machine must stay up once activated, and stay down once deactivated. We characterize the polyhedral structure of a model representing these restrictions. We also describe a cutting-plane method for solving integer programs involving such min-up and min-down times ...
Given a planar undirected n-vertex graph G with non-negative edge weights, we show how to compute, for given vertices s and t in G, a min st-cut in G in O(n log log n) time and O(n) space. The previous best time bound was O(n log n).