نتایج جستجو برای: lattice banach space

تعداد نتایج: 588801  


Let E be a Banach lattice and let M be a norm-closed and Dedekind σ-complete ideal of E. If E contains a lattice-isometric copy of ∞ , then E/M contains such a copy as well, or M contains a lattice copy of ∞. This is one of the consequences of more general results presented in this paper. 1. Introduction. Let E be a locally solid linear lattice (Riesz space), for example , a Banach lattice, let...


Abstract. We study some properties of the randomized series and their applications to the geometric structure of Banach spaces. For n ≥ 2 and 1 < p < ∞, it is shown that l ∞ is representable in a Banach space X if and only if it is representable in the Lebesgue-Bochner Lp(X). New criteria for various convexity properties in Banach spaces are also studied. It is proved that a Banach lattice E is...


is finite, where λ denotes Lebesgue measure. Let ρ be the gauge functional of the convex hull of the unit ball {f : q(f) ≤ 1} of the quasi-norm q, and let N be the null space of ρ. The normed envelope of WeakL, which we denote by W , is the space (WeakL/N, ρ). The Banach envelope of WeakL, W , is the completion of W . We show that W is isometrically lattice isomorphic to a sublattice of W . It ...

Maria Girardi William B. Johnson

A Banach space X has the complete continuity property (CCP) if each bounded linear operator from L1 into X is completely continuous (i.e., maps weakly convergent sequences to norm convergent sequences). The main theorem shows that a Banach space failing the CCP has a subspace with a nite dimensional decomposition which fails the CCP. If furthermore the space has some nice local structure (such ...


In this paper, we apply fixed point results for mappings in partially ordered function spaces to derive existence results for initial and boundary value problems in an ordered Banach space E. Throughout this paper, we assume that E satisfies one of the following hypotheses. (A) E is a Banach lattice whose every norm-bounded and increasing sequence is strongly convergent. (B) E is a reflexive la...

Motivated by an Arens regularity problem, we introduce the concepts of matrix Banach space and matrix Banach algebra. The notion of matrix normed space in the sense of Ruan is a special case of our matrix normed system. A matrix Banach algebra is a matrix Banach space with a completely contractive multiplication. We study the structure of matrix Banach spaces and matrix Banach algebras. Then we...

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 2011
s. mahmoodi a. r. soltani

William B. Johnson WILLIAM B. JOHNSON

If X is a closed subspace of a Banach space L which embeds into a Banach lattice not containing l ∞ ’s uniformly and L/X contains l ∞ ’s uniformly, then X cannot have local unconditional structure in the sense of Gordon-Lewis (GLl.u.st.). 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46B03, 43A46.

Journal: :journal of sciences islamic republic of iran 0

motivated by an arens regularity problem, we introduce the concepts of matrix banach space and matrix banach algebra. the notion of matrix normed space in the sense of ruan is a special case of our matrix normed system. a matrix banach algebra is a matrix banach space with a completely contractive multiplication. we study the structure of matrix banach spaces and matrix banach algebras. then we...


With this norm, K(W) is a Banach space and even a Banach lattice, i.e., a vector lattice with the property that \g\ ^/, fEk(W) for a measurable g implies gGA(JF) and ||g|| á||/||. Condition (3) ensures [l, Theorem 5] that the norm (4) is continuous with respect to monotone limits. One obtains examples of such functions W as follows. Let (S, B, p.) be a measure space with measure p, which we sha...

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