نتایج جستجو برای: gara

تعداد نتایج: 154  

Ferran Jardí Pujol

 F. Jardí, J.A. Fernández-Blanco, V. Martínez, P. Vergara. Remodeling of colonicsensory afferents in a rat model of post-infectious gut dysfunction: implication o fneurotrophic factors. Poster.Gastroenterology (in press).Digestive Disease Week 2014. May 4-6, 2014. Chicago, USA. F. Jardí, J .A. Fer nández, E . C epeda, V. Ma rtínez, P . Ver gara. Are mast ce lls asource...

Journal: :Computer Networks 2000
Volker Sander Ian T. Foster Alain J. Roy Linda Winkler

The IETF's recent di erentiated services architecture, which speci es a scalable mechanism for treating packets di erently, o ers new opportunities for building endto-end quality of service (QoS) systems. However, it also introduces new challenges. In particular, it is not clear whether TCP's ow and congestion control mechanisms work well with the mechanisms used for end-to-end QoS. For that re...

Journal: :Computer Communications 2004
Ian T. Foster Markus Fidler Alain J. Roy Volker Sander Linda Winkler

High-end networked applications such as distance visualization, distributed data analysis, and advanced collaborative environments have demanding quality of service (QoS) requirements. Particular challenges include concurrent flows with different QoS specifications, high bandwidth flows, application-level monitoring and control, and end-to-end QoS across networks and other devices. We describe ...

Journal: :Journal of bacteriology 1999
A E Belanger G F Hatfull

Bacterial glycogen is a polyglucose storage compound that is thought to prolong viability during stationary phase. However, a specific role for glycogen has not been determined. We have characterized SMEG53, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis that contains a mutation in glgE, encoding a putative glucanase. This mutation causes exponentially growing SMEG53 cells to stop gr...

Journal: :Ekaia 2022

Naturako objektu asko harrigarriak dira, bai beren egituren formagatik eta betetzen dituzten propietateengatik. Baina, normalean, egitura misteriotsuak direla sinestearekin konformatzen gara, haien azterketa gure jakinduriaren irispidean ez dagoela uste baitugu. Artikulu honetan, itsas maskorrek itsasoko bizi-baldintza bortitzetan bizirauteko daukaten gaitasunaz erakarrita, erakutsiko dugu gorp...

Journal: :Hizpide 2023

Sakabanaketa digitalaren garaian, ikasleen idazkien zuzenketak beharrezkoa bezain astuna izaten jarraitzen du, bai eta konplexuagoa, teknikoagoa askotarikoagoa ere. Online programa espezifikoak erabiltzen ditugu, hiztegiak itzultzaile automatikoak kontsultatzen ditugu; eta, horrez gain, beste egile batzuekin ere lankidetzan aritzen gara edo Wikipediatik “kopiatu itsatsi” egiten dugu. Betiko aho...

Mihály Gara Tamás Sámuel Tasi László G. Nyúl

Key members: Péter Balázs [1] Mihály Gara [2] Tamás Sámuel Tasi [3] László G. Nyúl [4] Founded by: PhD Scholarship of the Doctoral School in Informatics of the University of Szeged [5] János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences [6] TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012 program of the Hungarian National Development Agency [7] OTKA PD100950 grant of the Hungarian Scientific Res...

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