In this paper we introduce a class of incremental displacement-correction schemes for the explicit coupling of a thin-structure with an incompressible fluid. These methods enforce a specific Robin-Neumann explicit treatment of the interface coupling. We provide a general stability and convergence analysis that covers both the incremental and the non-incremental variants. Their stability propert...
Nous étudions une quantité KVol liée au volume sur la strate ℋ(2) des surfaces de translation genre 2, avec singularité conique. donnons suite explicite L(n,n) telles que KVol(L(n,n))→2 quand n tend vers l’infini, 2 étant l’infimum conjectural ℋ(2).
The quantum deformation of the group of motions of the plane and its Pontryagin dual are described in details. It is shown that the Pontryagin dual is a quantum deformation of the group of transformations of the plane generated by translations and dilations. An explicite expression for the unitary bicharacter describing the Pontryagin duality is found. The Heisenberg commutation relations are w...