نتایج جستجو برای: divine grace

تعداد نتایج: 8288  

Journal: :Journal of Reformed Theology 2022

Abstract Proponents of the modal collapse argument claim that divine simplicity, traditionally conceived, contradicts other Christian commitments about freedom and grace by ultimately rendering all God’s acts, including creation redemption, absolutely necessary. If true, goes, theologians must abandon either simplicity or freedom. The aim this dilemma is to force abandonment simplicity. However...

ژورنال: مطالعات عرفانی 2009

Mystics inspired from the Holy Qurān have considered the world from one side the Image of God and from the other side the manifestation of Divine Names and Attributes, which the later has been divided into two types: The Names of Majesty and the Name of Beauty. Those Names which relate with grace, mercy, generosity, … have been named the Names of Beauty and those ones deal with vengeance, ang...

Journal: :Cambridge Anthropology 2022

What does a consideration of the place grace in therapeutic relationship have to add our understanding healing process? This article explores experience bereavement and aftermath loss among members Catholic Charismatic community Rwanda. Considering cases which divine is experienced as either having succeeded or failed, I argue that process involves acts sacrifice gifting, taking between mourner...

Journal: :Roczniki Filozoficzne 2021

While St. Anselm does not supply us with an explicit discussion of the problem divine hiddenness (PDH) as it is typically conceived today—namely, argument for atheism—he keenly aware existential difficulty posed by our seeming lack access to God. Moreover, he provides ingredients interesting and heretofore neglected approach PDH, one rooted in multiple Christian narratives about lapses from kno...

Miles Andrews

In this paper I argue that J. L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness Argument is committed to a problematic implication that is weakened by research in cognitive psychology on affective forecasting. Schellenberg’s notion of a nonresistant nonbeliever logically implies that for any such person, it is true that she would form the proper belief in God if provided with what he calls “probabilifying” e...

Robin M. Wright

Orthodoxy, and other so-called world religions that were complicit with colonialist expansion and its repression of the “other peoples” (indigenous), their rites and beliefs. For centuries, colonial societies have denied that indigenous peoples had “religions” at all; as the great photographer of Native North American cultures Edward S. Curtis stated, “There seems to be a broadly prevalent idea...

Journal: :Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia 2023

In recent years, a growing number of studies have presented—in one way or another—various psychotherapeutic projections set spiritual practices early Christian monasticism. an attempt to establish dialogue between the doctrines Late Antiquity and contemporary psychotherapy, it could be risky extrapolate anachronistic terms, questions discussions that are foreign original context Early Church Fa...

Journal: :Technium Social Sciences Journal 2023

As an instrument of shared hope, care for others, the Church, by virtue divine grace, must shape future generations to be true communities peace, capable living word Gospel. Violence, aggressive behavior has both bio-physiological causes, but it is also a learned reaction; however, will man dominates over all and as source aggression we find sin that produces on person who commits it, fellow hu...

Md Golam Mohiuddin

Divine view is to production and industrialization a part of the process of economic development. The divine rules of governance become Ibadah (form of worship), hence industrialization within the divine ambit is also an Ibadah. Divine messages, therefore, stresses both the moral quality and skills in the production of goods. People are getting benefits from industry from different ways, someti...

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