نتایج جستجو برای: arabs who paid attention to imam ali

تعداد نتایج: 10705469  

پایان نامه :دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره) - قزوین - دانشکده علوم اجتماعی 1389

چکیده در این پژوهش، رابطه بین سبک های مقابله ای با جرأت ورزی و پرخاشگری در دانشجویان دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره) بررسی شد. نمونه مورد بررسی، شامل 200 نفر (121 زن و 79 مرد) از دانشجویان دانشگاه مورد نظر در دو جنس است که از طریق روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای تصادفی، انتخاب و به پرسشنامه های الگوهای پاسخ دهی بین فردی تونند و پرسشنامه سبک های مقابله ای اندلر و پارکر پاسخ دادند. همچنین از روش های ...

Journal: : 2022

This paper deals with the study of impact Shiism on Arabic literature in general, and Fatimid particular. It treats issue of)al-Zahir al-Batin(in Holy Qur’an or what is called esoteric interpretation. The writers exerted more attention paid their effort employing Qur’anic verses through interpretation, goal that was to get Imamate Caliphate, it utmost motivation for right Ali bin Abi Talib his ...

Journal: :religious inquiries 2014
muhammad legenhausen

all of the major branches of islamic mysticism, ‘irfān, refer to imam ‘ali (‘a) as a major source for their teachings and practices. hence, we begin with a review of how the mystics viewed imam ‘ali (‘a). after this we consider some controversies about the nature of ‘irfān and its relationship to sufism, for the terms have been used in different ways. then we turn to the sources on the basis of...

Journal: Religious Inquiries 2014
Muhammad Legenhausen

All of the major branches of Islamic mysticism, ‘irfān, refer to Imam ‘Ali (‘a) as a major source for their teachings and practices. Hence, we begin with a review of how the mystics viewed Imam ‘Ali (‘a). After this we consider some controversies about the nature of ‘irfān and its relationship to Sufism, for the terms have been used in different ways. Then we turn to the sources on the basis of...

Journal: :پژوهشنامه ثقلین 0
محمدحسن زمانی استادیار جامعة المصطفی علی رضا آزادی کارشناس ارشد علوم حدیث

explaining the virtues, merits and manāqib (praiseworthy actions) of imam ali (a.s) is not a task exclusive to his followers and adherents (namely the shi’a), but rather the scholars of the four sunni schools of law have extensively recounted the imam’s virtues, merits and manāqib, because of the high status of this matchless personality of the muslim world and due to their love and devotion to...

ژورنال: مطالعات عرفانی 2015

Ahwāl’ and ‘Maqāmāt’ are the basic concepts in Islamic mysticism. These two terms have more or less been used in the works of Sufis since the third century. The basic question here is who first introduced these two concepts. Some scholars believe that these two were raised by Imam Sadiq (AS) for the first time. This paper, however, claims that Imam Ali bin Hussein’s (AS)...

Journal: :پژوهش های قرآن و حدیث 0
مهدی مردانی دانشکده علوم حدیث قم

people's allegiance to imam ali (as) is one of the interesting scenes of history which has had a critical role in political life of islam. people's enthusiasm for allegiance to imam ali (as) and also, supporting of imam's companions had prepared everything for a public allegiance. but contrary to expectation, imam ali (as) in a speech refused to accept the caliphate. this speech ...

Journal: :پژوهش های قرآن و حدیث 0
محمد ابراهیم نژاد استادیار گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان

each society requires a kind of management according to its structure and attainment of the goals it has been planned for. the idea of management is not new. long time ago, human had noticed the necessity of using all the facilities and leading them towards scheduled ideals. the kind of managing and leading the society depends on the cultural structure of it. so the way of management and intern...

Journal: :Information 2021

The article deals with the topic of attention paid to online privacy policy statements by university students. Privacy were originally intended mitigate users’ con-cerns and support trust, but users disregard them. uses theory planned behav-iour combined calculus find verify determinants reading statements. We used survey method evaluated results partial least square struc-tural equation modell...

Journal: :آفاق الحضاره الاسلامیه 0
سید مهدی مسبوق أستاذ مشارک فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة بوعلی سینا، همدان رسول فتحی مظفری طالب دکتوراه فی فرع اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة بوعلی سینا، همدان.

irony in literature containing a combination of cash and spelling, sarcasm and humor used by the writer to express issues which call for criticism in the communities in a language full of laughter and wry humor. this art of literature is a magic mirror reflects the realities of women in society are fresh attract the hearts of the target audience, and will make him to laugh first and urging them...

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