نتایج جستجو برای: نرم افزار سایفر c i f e r
تعداد نتایج: 3271165 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
در بیشتر نقاط جهان، و از جمله ایران، ساختمان های بتنیپانویس{c o n c r e t e s t r u c t u r e} به دلیل سختیِ جانبی کم و نقص های طراحی و اجرا، تحت زلزله های قوی دچار آسیب های شدید می شوند. در این نوشتار روشی کاربردی برای مقاوم سازی قاب های بتنی میان پر با مصالح بنایی و با استفاده از پلیمرهای مسلح کربنی c f r p(پانویس{c a r b o n f i b e r r e i n f o r c e d p o l y m e r s } مورد بررسی قرار گرفت...
the most conveni ent me thod f or d e t ermining bone dose duri ng ext ra-oral . radi ogr aphy is ph o togr aph~c r adiation desimetry.this met hod was used bec ause, it is cheap,srnall l i ghtweight a nd adequately sens itive a nd i t a l s o prov i des a p e rmanent r ecor ds ( l o}. i t i s evident f r om thi s r eport tha t a r e l a tionsh i p e xist s between the bone and s k i n dose , a...
in a r etrospective s t udy on the c ancer o f the gal l bladder, done in iran, it s e ems tha t it compr ises 0 . 36% o f a ll the malignant tumors . 1 .7 5% of the patients were fema les and the maximum incidenc e wa s in t he s i x th decade of l i f e. it was interesting t o note that the age ratio bet ween t he males and f ema le s reverses with t he advance o f a ge, s o at the 7th and 8t...
we hav e obs e r v e d 1 00 c a ses o f pr imar y c a r c i noma of the l i v e r be t we en 195 5-1 97 5 ~n emarn khome i ni ho spital me- service de gastro e ntero l ogie c hu
background: h e r2/ n eu i so n e o ftheepi de rmalg r owth f actor r e c e pt o rsfami l i e s andsee m stohaveprognosticsignificanceofsomesolid t umors.theo b jecti v eof thisstu d yistoevaluatet h epossi b ilityofher2ex p ressioningastricca n cersand the p o s si b le r e lat i o n ship o fh e r2withtumo r ’scli n icopat h o l o gicpara m e te r sa n d a l s oits pr o gno s tic r o l e . m...
in our study of surface markers of iranian children affected by acute lymphocytic leukemia, the majority(80 %)had non-t, non-b, or null cell leukemia. the null- cell l e ukemia had a better p r ogno s l s as was conf irmed by o t h ers. twe l v e of our patie nts who had null cell l e ukem i a are a live and well 18 mont hs to 20 mont hs a f t e r initiat i on of the r a py. three of t he patie...
The category of the title is called $mathcal{W}$. This has all free objects $F(I)$ ($I$ a set). For an object class $mathcal{A}$, $Hmathcal{A}$ consists of all homomorphic images of $mathcal{A}$-objects. This note continues the study of the $H$-closed monoreflections $(mathcal{R}, r)$ (meaning $Hmathcal{R} = mathcal{R}$), about which we show ({em inter alia}): $A in mathcal{A}$ if and only if...
the isoe lect r i c f ocusing p a t terns and ph activity cur ves of f i ve glycosidas e e nzymes i n blood plasma and ur i ne were s t ud i e d . this s tudy demons trated the presence o f a sing le molecular f onn in a -glucosidase and of two mole cul a r fonns of the enzymes h-a ce t yl-b-d-gluco sarni nidase, na c e t y l -•p-d-g a l a c t o s amin i ua s e and s-glucuronidase i n both plas...
background: p e r io d ontal d i s e ase i s a c h ro ni c des t ructi v e d i s e a s e w h ich o ccurs in adults, young people, and children . perio d ontal disease and periodontal pathoge n s ha v e been associ a ted with se v er a l syste m ic dise a ses and more recen t ly, se v e r a l stu d ies have sug g es te d the relat i o n ship bet w een p e rio d ontal d isease and cancer. stu d...
thus the data show a re lationship between radiation and the development of thyroid ca rci noma and i mp l y that s eeking and r emoving such tumors woul d be beneficial . as in most situations, however, this s i mp l e r elationship is clouded by a va r i e t y of associated prob l ems , which mus t be ca r efull y considered. the surgical pr oce dure r e c ommended f or r emoval o f a nodule ...
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