نتایج جستجو برای: نرم افزار سایفر c i f e r

تعداد نتایج: 3271165  

ژورنال: :مهندسی عمران شریف 0
ایوب دهقانی پژوهشگاه بین المللی زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله فریبرز ناطقی الهی پژوهشگاه بین المللی زلزله شناسی و مهندسی زلزله

در بیشتر نقاط جهان، و از جمله ایران، ساختمان های بتنیپانویس{c o n c r e t e s t r u c t u r e} به دلیل سختیِ جانبی کم و نقص های طراحی و اجرا، تحت زلزله های قوی دچار آسیب های شدید می شوند. در این نوشتار روشی کاربردی برای مقاوم سازی قاب های بتنی میان پر با مصالح بنایی و با استفاده از پلیمرهای مسلح کربنی c f r p(پانویس{c a r b o n f i b e r r e i n f o r c e d p o l y m e r s } مورد بررسی قرار گرفت...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0
gh. rahbari

the most conveni ent me thod f or d e t ermining bone dose duri ng ext ra-oral . radi ogr aphy is ph o togr aph~c r adiation desimetry.this met hod was used bec ause, it is cheap,srnall l i ghtweight a nd adequately sens itive a nd i t a l s o prov i des a p e rmanent r ecor ds ( l o}. i t i s evident f r om thi s r eport tha t a r e l a tionsh i p e xist s between the bone and s k i n dose , a...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0
m.a.rashed-mohassel ali m.hessabi

in a r etrospective s t udy on the c ancer o f the gal l bladder, done in iran, it s e ems tha t it compr ises 0 . 36% o f a ll the malignant tumors . 1 .7 5% of the patients were fema les and the maximum incidenc e wa s in t he s i x th decade of l i f e. it was interesting t o note that the age ratio bet ween t he males and f ema le s reverses with t he advance o f a ge, s o at the 7th and 8t...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0
m.a. rached-mohassel

we hav e obs e r v e d 1 00 c a ses o f pr imar y c a r c i noma of the l i v e r be t we en 195 5-1 97 5 ~n emarn khome i ni ho spital me- service de gastro e ntero l ogie c hu

Journal: :iranian journal of cancer prevention 0
j ansari dept. of radiation oncology, aiatollah khoansari hospital, arak university of medical sciences, arak, iran a chehrei dept. of pathology, amiralmoamenin hospital, arak university of medical sciences, arak, iran m amini dept. of surgery, valiasr hospital, arak university of medical sciences, arak, iran sh alizade dept. of surgery, valiasr hospital, arak university of medical sciences, arak, iran mh sanei dept. of pathology, alzahra hospital, isfahan university of medical sciences, isfahan, iran

background: h e r2/ n eu i so n e o ftheepi de rmalg r owth f actor r e c e pt o rsfami l i e s andsee m stohaveprognosticsignificanceofsomesolid t umors.theo b jecti v eof thisstu d yistoevaluatet h epossi b ilityofher2ex p ressioningastricca n cersand the p o s si b le r e lat i o n ship o fh e r2withtumo r ’scli n icopat h o l o gicpara m e te r sa n d a l s oits pr o gno s tic r o l e .   m...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0
a.massoud s.ghazanshahi p.vossough

in our study of surface markers of iranian children affected by acute lymphocytic leukemia, the majority(80 %)had non-t, non-b, or null cell leukemia. the null- cell l e ukemia had a better p r ogno s l s as was conf irmed by o t h ers. twe l v e of our patie nts who had null cell l e ukem i a are a live and well 18 mont hs to 20 mont hs a f t e r initiat i on of the r a py. three of t he patie...

Anthony W. Hager, Bernhard Banaschewski

 The category of the title is called $mathcal{W}$. This has all free objects $F(I)$ ($I$ a set). For an object class $mathcal{A}$, $Hmathcal{A}$ consists of all homomorphic images of $mathcal{A}$-objects. This note continues the study of the $H$-closed monoreflections $(mathcal{R}, r)$ (meaning $Hmathcal{R} = mathcal{R}$), about which we show ({em inter alia}): $A in mathcal{A}$ if and  only if...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0
reza seyed yazdani

the isoe lect r i c f ocusing p a t terns and ph activity cur ves of f i ve glycosidas e e nzymes i n blood plasma and ur i ne were s t ud i e d . this s tudy demons trated the presence o f a sing le molecular f onn in a -glucosidase and of two mole cul a r fonns of the enzymes h-a ce t yl-b-d-gluco sarni nidase, na c e t y l -•p-d-g a l a c t o s amin i ua s e and s-glucuronidase i n both plas...

Journal: :iranian journal of cancer prevention 0
m sadighi shamami s amini

background: p e r io d ontal d i s e ase i s a c h ro ni c des t ructi v e d i s e a s e w h ich o ccurs in adults, young people, and children .   perio d ontal disease and periodontal pathoge n s ha v e been associ a ted with se v er a l syste m ic dise a ses and more recen t ly, se v e r a l stu d ies have sug g es te d the relat i o n ship bet w een p e rio d ontal d isease and cancer. stu d...

Journal: :acta medica iranica 0

thus the data show a re lationship between radiation and the development of thyroid ca rci noma and i mp l y that s eeking and r emoving such tumors woul d be beneficial . as in most situations, however, this s i mp l e r elationship is clouded by a va r i e t y of associated prob l ems , which mus t be ca r efull y considered. the surgical pr oce dure r e c ommended f or r emoval o f a nodule ...

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