نتایج جستجو برای: weak f
تعداد نتایج: 439416 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
In this paper, we classify all generalized quadrangles weakly embedded of degree 2 in projective space. More exactly, given a (possibly infinite) generalized quadrangle Γ = (P,L, I ) and a map π from P (respectively L) to the set of points (respectively lines) of a projective space PG(V ), V a vector space over some skew field (not necessarily finite-dimensional), such that: (i) π is injective ...
Let ~ C R n and n > 4 be even. We show that if a sequence {uJ } in W l'n/2 (f2; R n) is almost conformal in the sense that dist (Vu j , R+ SO(n) ) converges strongly to 0 in L n/2 and i f u j converges weakly to u in W 1,n/2, then u is conformal and VuJ ~ Vu strongly in Lqoc for all 1 < q < n/2. It is known that this conclusion fails i f n~2 is replaced by any smaller exponent p. We also prove ...
Let M be a monoid (e. is then a compact abelian group; a linear cellular automaton (LCA) is a continuous endomorphism F : A M ?! A M that commutes with all shift maps. Let be a (possibly nonstationary) probability measure on A M ; we develop suucient conditions on and F so that the sequence fF N g 1 N=1 weak*-converges to the Haar measure on A M , in density (and thus, in Cess aro average as we...
In this paper we de2ne 2ve families of simple graphs {fi,f2,f^,t^ and F=5) such that the reconstruction conjecture is true if reconstruction is proved for either the families $[,$2 & % or the families F=3;F=4 and F=5. These families are quite restrictive in that each has diameter two or three. Then we prove that families F=1;F=2;F=3;F=4 and F=5 are recognizable by proving that graphs of diamete...
It is proved that the class of operator equations F(y) = f solvable by a DSM (dynamical systems method) Newton-type method, u̇ = −[F (u) + a(t)I]−1[Fu(t) + a(t)u − f ], u(0) = u0, (∗) is large. Here F : X → X is a continuously Fréchet differentiable operator in a Banach space X , a(t) : [0, ∞) → C is a function, limt→∞ |a(t)| = 0, and there exists a y ∈ X such that F(y) = f . Under weak assumpti...
If {A(V)} is a net of local von Neumann algebras satisfying standard axioms of algebraic relativistic quantum field theory and V1 and V2 are spacelike separated spacetime regions, then the system (A(V1),A(V2), f) is said to satisfy the Weak Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle iff for every pair of projections A ¥ A(V1), B ¥A(V2) correlated in the normal state f there exists a projection C belo...
One of our results: let X be a finite set on the plane, 0 < g < 1, then there exists a set F (a weak g-net) of size at most 7/e 2 such that every convex set containing at least e\X\ elements of X intersects F. Note that the size of F is independent of the size of X.
Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space, let V = ( v n , k ) ∈ N $\mathcal {V}=(v_{n,k})_{n,k\in {\mathbb {N}}}$ system of positive continuous functions on and φ self-map X. The composition operators C : f ↦ ∘ $C_\varphi f\mapsto \ f\,\circ\, \varphi$ the weighted function (LF)-spaces {V}C(X)$ 0 {V}_0C(X)$ resp.) (PLB)-spaces A {A}C(X)$ {A}_0C(X)$ are studied. We characterize whe...
If a separable Banach space X is such that for some nonquasireflexive Banach space Y there exists a surjective strictly singular operator T : X → Y then for every countable ordinal α the dual of X contains a subspace whose weak∗ sequential closures of orders less than α are not norming over any infinite-dimensional subspace of X and whose weak∗ sequential closure of order α+ 1 coincides with X∗...
We want F to satisfy some kind of Mayer-Vietoris property, or excision. Hence, we assume C and D are proper, in that the pushout of a weak equivalence along a cofibration is also a weak equivalence. We’ll also ask that in D, sequential colimits of homotopy Cartesian cubes are again homotopy Cartesian, and we’ll elaborate on what this means. We also place a condition on F : Goodwillie calls it “...
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