نتایج جستجو برای: shallow tailwater

تعداد نتایج: 36779  

Ewa Muszynska Ann A. Copestake

We propose sentence chunking as a way to reduce the time and memory costs of realization of long sentences. During chunking we divide the semantic representation of a sentence into smaller components which can be processed and recombined without loss of information. Our meaning representation of choice is Dependency Minimal Recursion Semantics (DMRS). We show that realizing chunks of a sentence...

Takehito Utsuro Takao Shime Masatoshi Tsuchiya Suguru Matsuyoshi Satoshi Sato

This paper proposes an approach of processing Japanese compound functional expressions by identifying them and analyzing their dependency relations through a machine learning technique. First, we formalize the task of identifying Japanese compound functional expressions in a text as a machine learning based chunking problem. Next, against the results of identifying compound functional expressio...

H. Tsukamoto J. M. Woodall

The carrier profile for InAs films grown on GaP is modeled as a first-order approximation which assumes that 90° edge dislocation intersections and the threading dislocation intersections act as shallow donors. Due to dislocation annihilation during growth, the threading dislocation intersection density decreases as the inverse of the distance x from the InAs/GaP interface, D(x)5D0x0 /(x0 1x), ...

Shisanu Tongchim Virach Sornlertlamvanich Hitoshi Isahara

This paper studies the role of base-NP information in dependency parsing for Thai. The baseline performance reveals that the base-NP chunking task for Thai is much more difficult than those of some languages (like English). The results show that the parsing performance can be improved (from 60.30% to 63.74%) with the use of base-NP chunk information, although the best chunker is still far from ...

Tristan van Rullen Philippe Blache

This paper presents an evaluation of four shallow parsers The interest of each of these parsers led us to imagine a parameterized multiplexer for syntactic information based on the principle of merging the common boundaries of the outputs given by each of these programs. The question of evaluating the parsers as well as the multiplexer came in the foreground with the problem of not owning refer...

Erika F. de Lima

This paper presents a procedure to automaticafly learn German prepositional subcategofization frames fzom text corpora. It is based on shallow parsing techniques employed to identify high-accuracy cues for prepositional frames, the EM algorithm to solve the PP attachment problem implicit in the task, and a method to rank the evidence for subcategorization provided by the collected data.

Yuqi Zhang Richard Zens Hermann Ney

In this paper, we describe a sourceside reordering method based on syntactic chunks for phrase-based statistical machine translation. First, we shallow parse the source language sentences. Then, reordering rules are automatically learned from source-side chunks and word alignments. During translation, the rules are used to generate a reordering lattice for each sentence. Experimental results ar...

Konrad Goluchowski Adam Przepiórkowski

This article proposes a method of Semantic Role Labelling for languages with no reliable deep syntactic parser and with limited corpora annotated with semantic roles. Reasonable results may be achieved with the help of shallow parsing, provided that features used for training such shallow parsers include both lexical semantic information (here: hypernymy) and syntactic information.

Donna K. Byron Whitney Gegg-Harrison

Indefinite noun phrases in certain contexts are unable to support anaphoric coreference to an individual entity, and therefore should be ignored when searching for coreferent antecedents of anaphoric pronouns. However, many algorithms for anaphora resolution utilize noun phrase chunking or shallow parsing, and therefore do not make the needed distinctions to avoid this type of spurious antecede...

Roni Tibon Elisa Cooper

kids.frontiersin.org In our daily lives, we learn new things all the time. Unfortunately, it is usually difficult for us to remember everything that we learn. To increase our ability to remember, either for a few seconds or for many years, we can think in a way that ties together several pieces of information, so that they make fewer pieces of information. There are two ways the brain does this...

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