(JWU) have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore collaborations between the Alpert Medical School and the new physician assistant program at JWU. The agreement, signed in March, outlines several areas for potential cooperation including sharing training facilities, jointly arranging lectures, pursuing educational grants, and engaging in cost-sharing. " The collaborative training of ph...
rhode islaNd is iN The midsT of a drug poisoNiNg epidemiC. Since 2005, the number of drug poisoning deaths has exceeded the number of motor vehicle accidents, falls, firearms, and fire death among adults <85 years of age. However, Rhode Island is not alone: 20 states now report similar statistics where drug poisonings dominate adult injury deaths. National survey data find that Rhode Island has...
Priya Thomas, Researcher1 1Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University Rhode Island, 219 Coastal Institute, 1 Greenhouse Road, Kingston, RI 02881. Email: priya_behanan{at}uri.edu