The Padé table of 2F1(a, 1; c; z) is normal for c > a > 0 (cf. [4]). For m ≥ n−1 and c / ∈ Z − , the denominator polynomial Qmn(z) in the [m/n] Padé approximant Pmn(z)/Qmn(z) for 2F1(a, 1; c; z) and the remainder term Qmn(z)2F1(a, 1; c; z)−Pmn(z) were explicitly evaluated by Padé (cf. [2], [6] or [9]). We show that for c > a > 0 and m ≥ n−1, the poles of Pmn(z)/Qmn(z) lie on the cut (1,∞). We d...