نتایج جستجو برای: jj

تعداد نتایج: 2443  

B. W. P. Habaragamuwa R. Bajekal

1 Bhattacharya AK, Lin DS, Connor WE. Cholestanol metabolism in patients with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: absorption, turnover and tissue deposition. J Lipid Res 2007; 48: 185–92 2 Cali JJ, Russell DW. Characterization of human sterol 27 hydroxylase: a mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 that catalyzes multiple oxidation reactions in bile acid biosynthesis. J Biol Chem 1991; 266: 7774–8 3 Cruysb...

F Mossa F Jimenez-Krassel JK Folger JLH Ireland

Ovarian Androgen Production in Cattle 3 F Mossa, F Jimenez-Krassel, JK Folger, JLH Ireland, GW 4 Smith, P Lonergan, ACO Evans, and JJ Ireland 5 6 School of Agriculture Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, and Conway 7 Institute of Biomedical and Biomolecular Research, College of Life 8 Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland; Molecular 9 Reproductive Endocrinology Labo...

Journal: :CoRR 2001
Masaki Murata Masao Utiyama Qing Ma Hiromi Ozaku Hitoshi Isahara

We have developed systems of two types for NTCIR2. One is an enhenced version of the system we developed for NTCIR1 and IREX. It submitted retrieval results for JJ and CC tasks. A variety of parameters were tried with the system. It used such characteristics of newspapers as locational information in the CC tasks. The system got good results for both of the tasks. The other system is a portable...

Seyed Mohammad Reza Rabani

Uretero-Pelvic Junction Obstruction (UPJO) is a common congenital anomaly that may need pyeloplasty to prevent renal function deterioration. The purpose of this study was to describe a modified use of jj stent catheter in pyeloplasty for infant with UPJO. A series of 12 children, between 3 and 10 months, underwent stenting open pyeloplasty. In each patient a 6 French Foley catheter was placed w...

Journal: :Physical Review B 2022

A general problem of magnetic sensors is a trade-off between spatial resolution and magnetic-field sensitivity. With decreasing sensor size its improved but the sensitivity deteriorated. Obviation such requires development super-resolution imaging technique not limited by size. Here we present proof concept for method Josephson junction (JJ). It based on solution an inverse problem---reconstruc...

V. Khachatryan A. M. Sirunyan A. Tumasyan W. Adam T. Bergauer M. Dragicevic J. Erö C. Fabjan M. Friedl R. Frühwirth V. M. Ghete C. Hartl N. Hörmann J. Hrubec M. Jeitler W. Kiesenhofer V. Knünz M. Krammer I. Krätschmer D. Liko I. Mikulec D. Rabady B. Rahbaran H. Rohringer R. Schöfbeck J. Strauss A. Taurok W. Treberer-Treberspurg W. Waltenberger C.-E. Wulz V. Mossolov N. Shumeiko J. Suarez Gonzalez S. Alderweireldt M. Bansal S. Bansal T. Cornelis E. A. De Wolf X. Janssen A. Knutsson S. Luyckx S. Ochesanu B. Roland R. Rougny M. Van De Klundert H. Van Haevermaet P. Van Mechelen N. Van Remortel A. Van Spilbeeck F. Blekman S. Blyweert J. D’Hondt N. Daci N. Heracleous J. Keaveney S. Lowette M. Maes A. Olbrechts Q. Python D. Strom S. Tavernier W. Van Doninck P. Van Mulders G. P. Van Onsem I. Villella C. Caillol B. Clerbaux G. De Lentdecker D. Dobur L. Favart A. P. R. Gay A. Grebenyuk A. Léonard A. Mohammadi L. Perniè T. Reis T. Seva L. Thomas C. Vander Velde P. Vanlaer J. Wang V. Adler K. Beernaert L. Benucci A. Cimmino S. Costantini S. Crucy S. Dildick A. Fagot G. Garcia J. Mccartin A. A. Ocampo Rios D. Ryckbosch S. Salva Diblen M. Sigamani N. Strobbe F. Thyssen M. Tytgat E. Yazgan N. Zaganidis S. Basegmez C. Beluffi G. Bruno R. Castello A. Caudron L. Ceard G. G. Da Silveira C. Delaere T. du Pree D. Favart L. Forthomme A. Giammanco J. Hollar P. Jez M. Komm V. Lemaitre C. Nuttens D. Pagano L. Perrini A. Pin K. Piotrzkowski A. Popov L. Quertenmont M. Selvaggi M. Vidal Marono J. M. Vizan Garcia N. Beliy T. Caebergs E. Daubie G. H. Hammad W. L. Aldá Júnior G. A. Alves L. Brito M. Correa Martins Junior T. Dos Reis Martins C. Mora Herrera M. E. Pol W. Carvalho J. Chinellato A. Custódio E. M. Da Costa D. De Jesus Damiao C. De Oliveira Martins S. Fonseca De Souza H. Malbouisson D. Matos Figueiredo L. Mundim H. Nogima W. L. Prado Da Silva J. Santaolalla A. Santoro A. Sznajder E. J. Tonelli Manganote A. Vilela Pereira C. A. Bernardes S. Dogra T. R. Fernandez Perez Tomei E. M. Gregores P. G. Mercadante S. F. Novaes Sandra S. Padula A. Aleksandrov V. Genchev P. Iaydjiev A. Marinov S. Piperov M. Rodozov S. Stoykova G. Sultanov V. Tcholakov M. Vutova A. Dimitrov I. Glushkov R. Hadjiiska V. Kozhuharov L. Litov B. Pavlov P. Petkov J. G. Bian G. M. Chen H. S. Chen M. Chen R. Du C. H. Jiang S. Liang R. Plestina J. Tao X. Wang Z. Wang C. Asawatangtrakuldee Y. Ban Y. Guo Q. Li W. Li S. Liu Y. Mao S. J. Qian D. Wang L. Zhang W. Zou C. Avila L. F. Chaparro Sierra C. Florez J. P. Gomez B. Gomez Moreno J. C. Sanabria N. Godinovic D. Lelas D. Polic I. Puljak Z. Antunovic M. Kovac V. Brigljevic K. Kadija J. Luetic D. Mekterovic L. Sudic A. Attikis G. Mavromanolakis J. Mousa C. Nicolaou F. Ptochos P. A. Razis M. Bodlak M. Finger Y. Assran A. Ellithi Kamel M. A. Mahmoud A. Radi M. Kadastik M. Murumaa M. Raidal A. Tiko P. Eerola G. Fedi M. Voutilainen J. Härkönen V. Karimäki R. Kinnunen M. J. Kortelainen T. Lampén K. Lassila-Perini S. Lehti T. Lindén P. Luukka T. Mäenpää T. Peltola E. Tuominen J. Tuominiemi E. Tuovinen L. Wendland J. Talvitie T. Tuuva M. Besancon F. Couderc M. Dejardin D. Denegri B. Fabbro J. L. Faure C. Favaro F. Ferri S. Ganjour A. Givernaud P. Gras G. Hamel de Monchenault P. Jarry E. Locci J. Malcles J. Rander A. Rosowsky M. Titov S. Baffioni F. Beaudette P. Busson C. Charlot T. Dahms M. Dalchenko L. Dobrzynski N. Filipovic A. Florent R. Granier de Cassagnac L. Mastrolorenzo P. Miné C. Mironov I. N. Naranjo M. Nguyen C. Ochando P. Paganini S. Regnard R. Salerno J. B. Sauvan Y. Sirois C. Veelken Y. Yilmaz A. Zabi J.-L. Agram J. Andrea A. Aubin D. Bloch J.-M. Brom E. C. Chabert C. Collard E. Conte J.-C. Fontaine D. Gelé U. Goerlach C. Goetzmann A.-C. Le Bihan P. Van Hove S. Gadrat S. Beauceron N. Beaupere G. Boudoul E. Bouvier S. Brochet C. A. Carrillo Montoya J. Chasserat R. Chierici D. Contardo P. Depasse H. El Mamouni J. Fan J. Fay S. Gascon M. Gouzevitch B. Ille T. Kurca M. Lethuillier L. Mirabito S. Perries J. D. Ruiz Alvarez D. Sabes L. Sgandurra V. Sordini M. Vander Donckt P. Verdier S. Viret H. Xiao Z. Tsamalaidze C. Autermann S. Beranek M. Bontenackels M. Edelhoff L. Feld O. Hindrichs K. Klein A. Ostapchuk A. Perieanu F. Raupach J. Sammet S. Schael H. Weber B. Wittmer V. Zhukov M. Ata M. Brodski E. Dietz-Laursonn D. Duchardt M. Erdmann R. Fischer A. Güth T. Hebbeker C. Heidemann K. Hoepfner D. Klingebiel S. Knutzen P. Kreuzer M. Merschmeyer A. Meyer P. Millet M. Olschewski K. Padeken P. Papacz H. Reithler S. A. Schmitz L. Sonnenschein D. Teyssier S. Thüer M. Weber V. Cherepanov Y. Erdogan G. Flügge H. Geenen M. Geisler W. Haj Ahmad A. Heister F. Hoehle B. Kargoll T. Kress Y. Kuessel J. Lingemann A. Nowack I. M. Nugent L. Perchalla O. Pooth A. Stahl I. Asin N. Bartosik J. Behr W. Behrenhoff U. Behrens A. J. Bell M. Bergholz A. Bethani K. Borras A. Burgmeier A. Cakir L. Calligaris A. Campbell S. Choudhury F. Costanza C. Diez Pardos S. Dooling T. Dorland G. Eckerlin D. Eckstein T. Eichhorn G. Flucke J. Garay Garcia A. Geiser P. Gunnellini J. Hauk M. Hempel D. Horton H. Jung A. Kalogeropoulos M. Kasemann P. Katsas J. Kieseler C. Kleinwort D. Krücker W. Lange J. Leonard K. Lipka A. Lobanov W. Lohmann B. Lutz R. Mankel I. Marfin I.-A. Melzer-Pellmann A. B. Meyer G. Mitta J. Mnich A. Mussgiller S. Naumann-Emme A. Nayak O. Novgorodova F. Nowak E. Ntomari H. Perrey D. Pitzl R. Placakyte A. Raspereza P. M. Ribeiro Cipriano E. Ron M. Ö. Sahin J. Salfeld-Nebgen P. Saxena R. Schmidt T. Schoerner-Sadenius M. Schröder C. Seitz S. Spannagel A. D. R. Vargas Trevino R. Walsh C. Wissing M. Aldaya Martin V. Blobel M. Centis Vignali A. R. Draeger J. Erfle E. Garutti K. Goebel M. Görner J. Haller M. Hoffmann R. S. Höing H. Kirschenmann R. Klanner R. Kogler J. Lange T. Lapsien T. Lenz I. Marchesini J. Ott T. Peiffer N. Pietsch J. Poehlsen T. Poehlsen D. Rathjens C. Sander H. Schettler P. Schleper E. Schlieckau A. Schmidt M. Seidel V. Sola H. Stadie G. Steinbrück D. Troendle

The purely electroweak (EW) cross section for the production of two jets in association with a Z boson, in proton–proton collisions at √ s = 8 TeV, is measured using data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb−1. The electroweak cross section for the jj final state (with = e or μ and j representing the quarks produced in the hard int...

Øyvind S. Bruland Amanda Hird Edward Chow

Watts N, Woo SB, Shane E, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2007 Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: Report of a task force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. J Bone Miner Res 22:1479–1491. 60. Body JJ, Facon T, Coleman RE, Lipton A, Geurs F, Fan M, Holloway D, Peterson MC, Bekker PJ 2006 A study of the biologic receptor activator of nuclear fact...

Dong Jin Kim Wook Kim

Laparoscopic completion total gastrectomy following pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) has not been reported. A 73-year-old male who underwent PD 25 years ago for distal common bile duct cancer visited a surgical department for remnant gastric cancer. A previous reconstruction was performed with pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ), gastrojejunostomy and Braun anastomosis, i.e., jejunojejunostomy (JJ), betwee...

L. Zhao

The distribution of p+ Gamow-Teller strength in 26Mg, 54Fe and 56Ni is calculated in the QRPA and large-basis shell-model spaces. The quenching relative to the simplest jj coupled model found in the QRPA is similar to that found in a shell-model basis which includes 2p2h ground-state correlations within the major shell (sd or pf). For 26Mg there is significant additional quenching found in the ...

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